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A U.S.A.-hosted adult-oriented bookmark page.
I have heard that other Internet denizens do not mention or
link to these bookmark pages, not because of what I link to, but
because my full name appeared up front. This has to do with
doxing. I stand behind the World-Wide Web sites to
which I link. If you look at the Source Code here, my name
remains in the metadata.
Here is the World-Wide Web home page for rec.arts.movies.erotica;
"The home of civilized smut"; a moderated Usenet newsgroup to
which I used to post (when I had Usenet access).
Acknowledging your own intimate sexuality has been one of the most
difficult experiences of living in the U.S.A. (and much of the Western
Hemisphere) This valuable site, which is considered off-limits by
most World-Wide Web blocking programs (to their discredit), is a superb
site to help anyone to bring their erotic drive to the high plateau it
should occupy.
Scarleteen is a sex education W-WW site for the real world.
It orbits around honest, fresh, and fun sex education and information
for young adults. It provides articles, advice, accurate information,
and interactive media for teens to explore and understand their
sexuality. It is part of the Sex Ed Web Circle. Heather Corinna
is the webmaster.
She is a companion of Ken Melvoin-Berg. They are the
presenters of "Sex with Sunny Megatron", which
played on Showtime and dealt with sexpositive topics. She
has a podcast, American Sex, which is linked from here.
They moved from Chicago, IL. to Las Vegas, NV. Her W-WW site is
along the lines of a blog, with numerous rubrics into associated
topics. Maybe now Facebook (a|k|a
"Dungheap") will accept that Sunny Megatron is her
real name.
She (Katie McKinley) is a lifestyle fetishist who also performs
in videos. She is an exhibitionist who loves being watched. I
learned about her when she guested on a sexpositive podcast I
downloaded. She has hosted her own sex positive radio show since
2012. The live presentation is Saturday @ 10:00 pm [GMT - 6] on Radio
KAOS. I recommend downloading and listening to her podcasts.
Savage Love is a weekly syndicated column by Dan Savage, a gay
guy with a companion. His columns may orbit around gay and bi-sexual
persons and their relationship snags, but there is much solid advice
for people of all sexualities. There is also a podcast which is
linked from here. I downloaded many of his podcasts, but have
unsubscribed. Despite the opening segment where a sexpositive
episode with a happy ending is described, the balance of the podcast
is regularly dealing with misogyny and sensual repression which
is not decreasing. For me, listening to these podcasts is depressing.
Your mileage may vary.
FetLife is "A network by kinksters for kinksters".
It is a social networking W-WW site intended for sexpositive people.
I am registered here as "pudgym29". I am not a supporting
member because, due to FetLife being hosted in the U.S.A., there are
certain sexually-oriented topics which it insists its members do
not discuss, lest it loses its credit card processor. But it
is losing that war. Credit card processors continue to mandate
the removal of content, fetishes, and groups. (How did credit
card processors become the Internet's moral
guardians? More importantly, how do we replace them with
more tolerant types?) I believe FetLife should move its server host
to another country like Iceland.
This is the adult community for sexually adventurous people.
Its members are into a wide variety of fun, including parties,
dining, dancing, writing, travel, exhibitionism, swinging, BDSM,
bisexuality, fetishes, and more. But most of all, they are all
about making friends, and living an uninhibited lifestyle with
no pressures and no hassles.
The LA&M, located on Chicago's far north side, is committed
to the compilation, preservation and maintenance of the leather
lifestyle and related lifestyles [including, but not limited to the
GLBTQ+ communities], history, archives and memorabilia for historical,
educational, and research purposes.
The NCSF is committed to creating a political, legal, and
social environment in the U.S.A. that advances equal rights for
consenting adults who engage in alternative sexual and relationship
This is AVERT, a non-prurient World-Wide Web site dedicated to
preventing the spread of HIV, and other sexually transmitted illnesses,
world-wide. This is its page with a table which denotes the minimum age
when a person could engage in male-female; male-male; and female-female
sex, in a specific state of the U.S.A., and in another country.
I added these two W-WW sites when Live Journal altered its
Terms of Service to include content which, despite its claim to be
violative of U. S. laws, was and is legal; and as
such, revealed that Live Journal was intent upon censoring
controversial viewpoints to appease sought-after investors,
advertisers, and vigilanté gangs.
This is an astounding essay, by Bertram Brooker, originally
published in Canada in 1931, in which the expounding debated
back then is sadly still poignant, especially insofar the Internet,
and the World-Wide Web.
This is a sexblog maintained by Tristan Taormino. It is a
World-Wide Web site for people interested in open relationships of all
kinds, including monogamy with benefits, nonmonogamy, partnered
nonmonogamy, swinging, polyamory, polyfidelity, solo polyamory, mixed
orientation marriages, and other relationships styles beyond monogamy.
This is a sexblog curated by Anita Wagner Illig, in which she
strives to create the social and political climate where people can
discover and practice the intimate relationship structure that best
meets their emotional and human needs free of governmental, societal,
or institutional coercion, or favoritism. She is committed to helping
people who choose polyamory learn the relationship skills necessary
to succeed.
Mike South was an adult producer | director | performer. He is
headquartered in Atlanta, GA. [U.S.A.] He retired from the business
in 2017, and sold this World-Wide Web site. Its new owners have not
tampered with its presentation or content. He still spends some time
in porn, but now it is helping females get into the business without
having anything to do with porn valley or the people
associated with it. Beware of some of the respondents to entries,
including one loathesome male who wishes for every male prisoner to
be raped and sero-converted.
This is a forum intended to provide a rubric for people who are
polyamorous or poly-curious. It welcomes poly folk of every orientation:
Hetero, GLBTQ+, pansexual, asexual, or anything else; and involved in
every sort of poly tangle. The domain name is registered to somebody
in Hong Kong, but it is hosted in the U.S.A.
You probably already know how I caution you to maintain a
semi-anonymous profile when traversing erotic W-WW sites, which includes
BDSM, kink, and swingers sites. But should a day arrive when you want to
intentionally take the additional step to transform an on-line episode
into a genuine physical meeting, this W-WW site by Ambrosia
has solid advice intended to increase your safety should the person you
agreed to meet turns out to be hazardous to you.
This is a sexblog by M. Christian. I asked for (and received)
permission to tweak one of his articles which appeared in Richard
Freeman's "Batteries Not Included" zine [defunct] for a
World-Wide Web forum on which I post pseudonymously. Then I was
mollified on that forum and never scribed the revision. But he
should be on here. He is an acknowledged master of erotica with
more than 300 stories published in books, magazines, and on W-WW pages.
This is a multi-faceted weblog orbiting around classic | vintage
smut of the 1970s and 1980s. Its main blogger is Benson
Hurst [a|k|a Ashley West]. The reason why it was
left off this bookmark page was due to my belief that it consisted
solely of podcasts with the people involved with these movies.
I was erroneous. The podcasts are spectacular. Go download them
now. It is hosted in the U.S.A. (in Utah)
While searching for Ruben Sturman's quote about why he avoided
paying Federal income tax ["I didn't believe in giving any of my
money to a government which was using it to try and put me in
prison."], I found this E-Zine. This specific URL sends you to
Earl Kemp's [R.I.P.] chapters. Back-parse to learn more about
the connection between science and erotica writers (and publishers).
Earl also maintained a distinct W-WW site at
Here is the largest place for tasteless, useless, trashy, politically
incorrect, rude, silly, stupid, meaningless, obnoxious, extreme, waste of
bandwidth homepages.
I had difficulty deciding where to place this link. Pornzilla is
an add-on package of tools for surfing W-WW porn sites with the
Firefox browser. These bookmarklets and extensions make it
easier to find and view porn, letting you spend more time looking at
the smut you like.
I had difficulty deciding where to place this link. This add-on
detects media streams in a W-WW page which has them. Clicking on
the note symbol will generate a JavaScript display of the stream's
file name, and sometimes its size. Clicking on the file name will
copy the full stream URL to enable you to paste into your automatic
downloading program. This is easier than the method which
previously appeared on this page. I use this to download JAVs; but
it can be utilized for audio streams and non-erotic media as well.
I reiterate that not all streaming servers can be downloaded
from. The JAV streams which can are ST and DD. Other
harvestable JAV streaming sites are Spankbang [c.v.],
Noodle Magazine, JAV Bangers, and Tokyo Motion
[on the international bookmark page].
Dr. Bizzaro {watch that spelling} is a link site to 100% free adult
World-Wide Web sites. There are no pop-up consoles [entering or egressing],
no blind links, and no pull-throughs to a pay site.
You may have heard about this W-WW site. It now encompasses its former
movie side project. I believe all the content here is now Flash®-based.
It will attempt to open a new browser window for each link.
This is Online Video Guide's first page of links to other W-WW
sites providing free erotic content. Many of its links are to sites
running Flash®, but there are enough offering downloadable clips that
I can add it here. You may back-parse for non-erotic video content, and
you may register to rate and comment on any W-WW site mentioned here.
This is a valuable on-line resource, in English (and
Japanese and [simplified] Chinese) which serves a dual function. You
can investigate Japanese Adult Videos on a number of variables, and, if
you register for it (requires JavaScript|ActiveX® on, and cookies
accepted), you can organize your own JAV collection. I am
registered here under a pseudonym, and recommend this W-WW site,
although not as much as before, since it seems to be dominated by
accounts spamming links to pay filehosts such that messages
alerting members to W-WW sites where the video can be downloaded
for free are removed by an administrator.
This is an English-language sexblog with an active webmaster |
janitor. All the JAVs referred into here are personally selected.
You can read the comments here to learn more about the JAVs.
The janitor has composed English subtitles for some JAVs. There
are decensored | mosaic reduced JAVs available here.
(Uncensored AVs are a separate link from here.) It is hosted
in San Francisco, CA. on Cloudflare®.
Here is another JAV streaming W-WW site whose janitor is likely
the same as that of JAV Guru. {The e-mail addresses shown to
contact the janitor are very similar.}
Each of these have select JAVs other stream hosts do not.
The domain is registered to somebody who is thoroughly anonymized,
but is hosted in San Francisco, CA. on Cloudflare®.
This is a new alternative forum to Akiba-Online [on the
international bookmark page]. It concentrates on the JAVs
themselves. There is a gravure rubric, but it does not cover U-18
idols. I am registered here under a different pseudonym
from the one I use on A-O. I will make more of my JAV posts and
replies in the future here because it does not require uploads being
directed to FileJoker, or any other pay filehost. The domain is
registered to somebody who is thoroughly anonymized, but is hosted
in San Francisco, CA. on Cloudflare®.
This is a JAV MGP which links to hundreds of clips and full
videos from Japanese Adult Videos. I alert you to its rubrics which
include decensored JAVs alongside the Uncensored AVs
from underground studios, along with videos with English
or Chinese subtitles. Basically, what you should accomplish is
searching for World-Wide Web sites offering streams of that
JAV, and using "The Stream Detector" to download it to
your storage media. This is registered to somebody in Japan, but is
hosted in San Francisco, CA. on Cloudflare®.
Here is a World-Wide Web eroblog with an "xyz" TLD. It is
a unique information site that introduces free voyeur videos found on
the W-WW by its webmaster | janitor. The weblog orbits around peeping
videos in thirteen categories, plus a catch-all rubric. Some of its
links request tolerance from you. It is registered to somebody in
Japan, but it is hosted on Cloudflare® in San Francisco, CA.
Here is one more streaming W-WW site. You must be more cautious
surfing here. I think it was partially hacked; which was the cause
for the pop-up attempts, which my Hosts file blocked. I send you to
the "date" top level domain. In each of these instances,
the stream which you should seek is Streamtape - abbreviated "ST". A secondary choice is Dood "DD",
which limits your automatic downloader's connections. The domain is
registered to somebody who is thoroughly anonymized, but is hosted
in San Francisco, CA. on Cloudflare®.
This is an erotic weblog in which our webmaster | janitor
focuses on images and videos in which bikini tops and panties
are a featured element. It is registered to somebody in Japan,
but is hosted on Cloudflare® in San Francisco, CA.
This is an erotic blog in which our janitor focuses on videos in
a spectrum of JAV genrés. I have added it because he also
provides screenshots of the videos he offers. He uploads the videos
on a payfile host, Tezfiles. You may opt to investigate
"debrid" to obtain them there, but I encourage you
to look up the label and release number on a search engine
(Try Startpage on the regular bookmark page, or
Noodlemagazine on the international bookmark page.) to learn
if there is a streaming host offering it for free [c.v.: JAV Guru].
It is registered to somebody in Japan, but is hosted in San
Francisco, CA. on Cloudflare®.
This is an MGP website connecting to numerous streams of
Japanese Adult Video releases. It also has rubrics covering
decensored (or reduced mosaic) JAVs, English-subtitled
JAVs, and unmosaiced AVs. It has a sister W-WW site at The site is registered to somebody in the
Bahamas, but it is hosted on Cloudflare® in San Francisco, CA.
Here is a link site with pictures of Asians. For all the
W-WW sites whose primary language is Japanese, download the TWP -
Translate Web Pages Firefox add-on [on the regular bookmark
page]. It will probably be good enough for you to understand what is
being uttered.
This is a comprehensive site focusing on Japanese females. It has
links to free AV, AN4Y (AsiaNude 4 You), idol, softcore, hardcore,
costume play, and hentai anime pages.
This is a link site with scores of galleries of Asian (particularly
Japanese) females. For v.92 surfers, there are sections where the movie
files have their weights listed. There are links to PIXY, PGF, AV
females', and some urabon photosets.
Here is a renovated Asian TGP W-WW site with much content seemingly
being submitted solely to it. The links are not from any
extreme, or keenly fetishistic purveyors.
This W-WW site has scores of links to image galleries of
Japanese female AV (Adult Video) stars in hardcore activity. Most
of the images are uncensored. If you click through,
depending on your browser's security settings, the pages hosted
on may not display the thumbnails, but the
images which the thumbnails would illustrate are extant.
This is a page linking to libraries of hundreds of gravure idols.
The substantial number of images are non-nude bikini shots.
The images are medium-resolution. It is also available in Japanese
[the link is in the upper left of this page].
This is a sexblog which I discovered while browsing a collator of
English-translationed articles from Japanese tabloid newspapers. It
has a sexpositive attitude about the content it covers, which
includes gravure and JAV idols. It is hosted in Houston, TX.
This was a World-Wide Web site with links to over 1,750 other
W-WW sites featuring juvenile and teen-aged erotica, mostly
produced in Japan. It requests a lot of tolerance from you.
(This was a site which Google removed from its result
screen.) After weeks in which it restricted access to
Japanese-based I. P. addresses, it went completely
off-line in December 2018. I pull its last accessible (4
November) revision off the Internet Archive. I repeat my
advice to configure an anonymous proxy, possibly surf via a Virtual
Privacy Network [VPN], or use Tor, before you click on a link here.
There are additional pages maintained directly linked from here.
Despite it no longer being on-line, many of the W-WW sites to which
it links are extant.
I had difficulty determining where to place this URL. Sankaku
Complex offers substantial coverage of anime, manga, games,
doujinshi, cosplay, seiyuu, and idols, along with galleries,
videos, and image sharing. You must turn on JavaScript|ActiveX®
and accept cookies in order to post or respond here. Its host
server is in Chicago.
"Urabon" is a keyword which commonly finds my
bookmark pages. The history of urabon photobooks seems to extend
back to 1981. Other photobooks, sporadically referred to as
chromebooks, including those of U.S.A.-based pornstars
[e.g.: Linda Wong, Mai Lin], began trafficing in the underground
in 1975. The international bookmark page has links to other W-WW
sites hosting urabon photobooks. This URL collates 1993 to
2005. The final urabon photobook, a double issue of
greatest hits, was published in 2007. I send you
to the first page; which has links to urabon, PGF, amateur,
schoolgirl, and AV stars' pages. The thumbnails may not display,
but the content to which they link is extant. There are also
links to thirty TGP listing sites orbiting around Asians. The site
is dimensioned for 1024 × 768 displays. On my first jaunt to
Japan (December 2005), I actually managed to find one shop
(in Akihabara) selling urabon photobooks and uncensored videos.
Here is another W-WW site hosting Urabon photobooks. It has
409 books uploaded. However, it is impossible to
access a collating index. I send you to the 409th urabon photobook.
The 409th may be the last regular photobook issued (in 2007). The
three-digit number in the URL must be manually changed to 408, 407,
etc. The site is hosted in Newport Beach, CA.
Here is a comprehensive streaming | tube World-Wide Web site. I
am utilizing it mostly for JAVs, including one of my grails,
the uncensored AVs issued on VHS (& Beta) videocassettes
for private home viewing only in Japan in the early 1980s;
for which its producers felt it could bypass Japanese censorship
since it was not intended for public exhibition in theaters.
The censorship agency (Eirin) intruded and stated it had to rate
these as well. Of course, it wanted these to be mosaiced. {Who
was it protecting?} Many of those videos, of which the most
significant was "Ken Chan, The Laundry Man" (1982), were
exported to the U.S.A. on the Orchids International label.
The W-WW site is hosted in San Francisco, CA. on Cloudflare®.
I uploaded a number (170) of erotic movies here (both JAVs,
and vintage U.S.A. | European | Brasilian) under a pseudonym, but
Spankbang disabled that account, and virtually everybody else's
because they had no records of the people appearing in them. I
have moved my uploads to JAV Bangers [on the international
bookmark page].
This is a solid W-WW site which has a laundry list of keywords.
You can select among straight, gay, or shemale. The resultant output
can be sorted by popularity, date, or duration.
Here is an impressive and thorough erotic portal W-WW site with a
female webmaster. It gets bonus points for the detailed explanations of
how to avoid popups, dialers, virii, and hijackers. It is affiliated
with Porzo.
This is a search engine modelled after AskJolene. You input a
keyword, and it will search through its database of URLs with free
content which have that keyword in its description. It outputs the
results fifteen per page.
This is one more forum which does not get much traffic, but has
interesting rubrics and a variety of solid posters. I am registered
here under a pseudonym.
I wound up here one evening. There are solid discussions occurring
in the rubrics Fetish & Sexuality Central and BDSM
Talk. You need to turn on JavaScript|ActiveX® and accept cookies.
With so much on-topic content now being distributed only via
pay filehost services, there is a need for a service which would
let you (and I) harvest it without having to pay for a particular
filehost. The Vintage Erotica Forum [on the international
bookmark page] has a roster of preferred file locker services. Many
of them have at least one free premium link generator displayed on
this Wiki-styled page. (There are more services. The search term
to use is typically "debrid". Be aware that Google
may remove some of these services from its result screen.) This is
hosted in Atlanta, GA.
Here is a site with scores of links to females appearing mainly in
European adult movies and videos. It includes a database of photoshoots
for each model, including whether it was or was not hardcore. It now has
permission to reproduce photoshoots of several pay sites.
Fleshbot is a frequently updated web magazine. It showcases all
the porn that digital technology and distribution has made possible. This
includes CGI and morphed images, amateur females, netcam guys, sex blogs,
hentai and yaoi, accidental smut, vintage erotica, celebrity candids, and
hardcore video. It is not safe for most workplaces [NSFW].
Here is a forum orbiting around teen-oriented erotic imagery. If you
want to register for it, you must turn on JavaScript|ActiveX®, and
accept cookies. The domain name is registered to someone in Russia, but
the site is hosted in the U.S.A.
I do not partake in bit torrent activity. If you do, this is a
good W-WW site for locating erotic movie clips on bit torrent. This
site is hosted in the U.S.A. on Cloudflare® [in San Francisco,
CA.]. There is another smut torrent listing site on the
international bookmark page. If this URL goes off-line, try or [N.B.: Do not send any torrent
W-WW site a tracable payment instrument, even if it pleads for
financial help. Governments and people claiming to act on behalf of a
copyright holder are attacking torrent listing W-WW sites with fury.
LokiTorrent, which solicited funds, when threatened by the
M.P.A.A. and the R.I.A.A., not only went off-line, but was compelled
to release the identification of each and every person who had sent
it money; setting them up for a potential indictment.]
While checking URLs for a replacement for, I
unearthed this comprehensive porn link page. Everything you could
want can be found from here. It is hosted in South Bend, IN.
This is another W-WW site with Flash®-based videos, most
of which are erotic. Look at each video page's Source Code
[Ctrl + U] to find the URL which you can download.
This is an MGP with links to a vast spectrum of content. Most of
the videos are Flash®-based, but each displays a downloadable URL
on the same page. Because of all its thumbnails, this will take some
time to completely load. It is hosted in the U.S.A., on Cloudflare®.
This was formerly "Young Porn Videos", "Teen
MPegs", and before that, "Lolita MPegs". It has
transformed again. This is now your basic streaming | tube-based
MGP. There may still be some World-Wide Web sites with
eyebrow-raising names, but contemplate this: Clearnet links
purporting to offer something illegal are traps which
do not have the content with which they entice you. They might
attempt to pop-up additional browser windows, pull you to a
malformed W-WW page with a virus embedded thereupon, consume your
computer's resources, until the browser and | or your operating
system crashes. They might be harvesting I. P.
Addresses (if you have JavaScript|ActiveX® on). Do not click
on those links! There is also the possibility that some
of them are sting links being circulated by law
enforcement agencies on hunting expeditions (An Australian
Law Enforcement Agency reportedly did this for months!),
which is why they are not taken offline when somebody reports
them. [My advice is, if you encounter one: Do not report
it! If it is not a sting link, you could
well get the criminal investigation. The L.E.A. could decide,
"We can't find who produced or uploaded the content. But
we know who possessed and viewed it."]
Here is a link site which has been online as long as I. It was
started by a marketing guy. His method of paying for his bandwidth is
sending you to an interstitial page which loads some banners.
(If somebody clicks on a banner, he collects a referrer fee.) From the
interstitial; you receive the link to the real free site. He was a
2014 inductee into the Adult Video News [AVN] Hall of Fame.
This is a W-WW site orbiting around watersports. It celebrates the
connection between sexuality and peeing, with lots of fun and humor. It
has its own free content, and on-topic links.
This is a particular forum, requiring payment in
cybercurrency in order to register, post, or reply.
Registration (lifetime!) is in two classes: $30.00 for
VIP, or $50.00 for VIP +. The reason it
is being added here is because it is free to browse, and that
it links to extreme content which is nonetheless legal
somewhere (e.g.: defecation, zoophilia, hypnotism, forced
sex fantasies, incest fantasies). Its members are definitely
trying to recoup their expenditure by posting links for which
they get money when they are clicked on, but there are
avoidance methods around this. I found this when an incest
Japanese Adult Video uploaded by one of its members was
referred into a listing of one of its videos on JAV Library
[c.v.]. There are rubrics here with more moderate erotic
content. The domain is registered to somebody who is
thoroughly anonymized. What amazed me is this site is hosted
on Cloudflare® in San Francisco, CA. (I expected it to be
hosted somewhere in eastern Europe, or Iceland.)
Here is a forum orbiting around forced sex fantasies, BDSM, incest,
scat and pee | piss, and zoophilia. Registration is required in order
to post or respond here. Nearly all the content being referred into
here is on premium pay filehosts.
A TGP site with at least one outrageous sub-category. None of the
links, all of which are text, redirect you. The domain name is registered
to someone in Panama, but it is hosted in the U.S.A.
This is a fantasy site maintained by Kelli. She has two other
girlfriends, Stephanie, and Pamela, who also enjoy scenarios like this.
There are many sections here, both on-topic and off. Real rape is a
serious crime, of which the penalty is years in prison. But there are many
people who are intrigued by this fantasy and who shall never attempt
any non-consensual activity. To deny them this scenario due to the actions
of those who do actually perpetrate the criminal act (and who may have
never viewed this imagery) is astoundingly intolerant and
absurd. This would be equivalent to saying that all media should cease
producing entertainment where someone's death is the topic (including
murder mystery novels). If you have an older browser, this site will
appear kludgy.
Here is a TGP to sites with the above-mentioned content. There
are both thumbnailed image links and text links. This site includes
its referral data in the URL, so there is a possibility you may
sporadically be redirected. The surefire way to avoid this is to
use Pornzilla in Firefox.
This is a thorough and comprehensive sexblog webmastered by Mike
Stabile and Jack Shamama. They are "obsessed" with gay porn.
You will find loads {oops} of free content here [not all of it
is gay]. Then you can delve into the other gay porn sexblogs to which
they link.
Against my frequent advice to use image hosts outside the U.S.A.,
I add a few American-based services here. The codicil here is that
they work without JavaScript® being enabled. Since some
of these are aimed at persons in countries where English is not
the primary language spoken, the domain name may not be memorable
to you, and the page might be in an Arabic or Cyrillic text, but
they are all effective. This image host is registered to somebody
in Saudi Arabia, but is hosted on Cloudflare® in San Francisco, CA.
In addition, image hosts outside the U.S.A. are more resilient
to improperly filed Digital Millennium Copyright Act takedown orders,
and anti-erotica zealot inquiries seeking to out
the person or persons appearing in an erotic image or video.
This site is registered to somebody in Ukraine, but it is hosted
in the U.S.A. on Cloudflare®.
NetmeetingSex was hacked off the W-WW by someone from Turkey. (!)
The six networked German reflectors have also gone missing at
times. (Those were,,,,, and The reflectors which seemed to be still extant
the last time I searched, which was years ago, are,,,,,,, and
JMeeting is free to join. It did not convert to HTML5. It now
requires you to download a separate application. The Mac application
is v0.9.47. The Windows® application is v0.9.88. I do
not recommend you pay for this site, or any sexually-oriented
site. If you live in a community anywhere in the world (or
even parts of the U.S.A. - e.g. Cincinnati, OH.); there is a
possibility that you could be positively identified [i.e.:
outed] as being a member of such a site. This
could lead to a job termination, divorce, custody challenge, public
scandal, or even your arrest. [What was the most
egregious text I viewed? A pay site mentions its "privacy
policy" - that it will not identify you as being a member of
it. But should you decide you no longer want to subscribe to
it; then it reports back that it will put your real name, city,
and state on a public page thereupon - because you are not a
member anymore!You could feel compelled to continue paying
the monthly membership fee. If this is not the 21st Century
definition of hush money, I do not know what is.] is a thorough site with links to individual netcams
from around the world. You can chat with other voyeurs and the people
in front of the cameras. You need to turn on JavaScript[|ActiveX®];
and accept cookies in order to browse here. A free membership is
available. But if you expect to see any nudity or lewd act on a
webcam, it will most definitely be restricted to a person paying a
certain price-per-minute to the webcam performer.
SWV is "America's #1 Crackpot Video Company". It
has scavenged over one thousand movies from the depths of obscurity.
It will no longer offer its library directly; amending to license its
content for other purveyors; both physical or on-line. Mike Vraney
[R.I.P.] talked about the history of SWV in issue #6 of "Ultra
Violent" magazine.
Excalibur is a purveyor of adult DVDs, Blu-Ray®s, and sex toys.
You can frequently find a very low price on an adult multi-disc DVD
release here. It also serves as a repository for box covers of
released movies and videos going back to 1985, even if the movie or
video is no longer available from it.
This is what it states. It is a collection of individuals, some
incorporated, some not, who buy, trade, and sell erotic DVDs in a
one-on-one manner. There are good bargains to be found here. I have
obtained new DVDs from several of its purveyors. You can sort the
output on a spectrum of variables. The domain name is registered to
somebody in Nova Scotia, but it is hosted in the U.S.A.
This is the U.S.A.-based operation, one of whose principals is
Joe Rubin, who I have known in the past (and with whom I
appeared on a Chicago cable access TV show), which is committed to
preserving and releasing high quality DVDs (and Blu-Ray®s)
of movies which, similar to Something Weird Video [c.v.], fell
through the cracks of home video distribution, mainly because
they were not correctly copyrighted. Its work has resulted
in the digital restoration and preservation of over 500 feature
movies, more than any other independent studio. It has worked
closely with several archives and institutions. Its name is a
scientific chemical reaction that deteriorates motion picture
film over time.
Alpha Blue Archives, in Oakland, CA. is a purveyor in the U.S.A.
where explicit adult movies are offered. Its curator is David Naylor.
I ordered several movies in the past from Alpha Blue Archives.
David is being much more low-key about the operation now. Most of its
offerings nowadays are 1980s video productions. Some former erotic
movie directors resurfaced to express wrath that it is profiteering
off their old work. [Hardly anybody was interested in their movies
until they became available through ABA. The movies are not good
enough to warrant expensive audio remasterings, which is what they
would require to be legally reissued these days, because those same
complaining directors stole identifiable, copyrighted
music for their soundtracks.] It has intriguing content, much of it
uncut and uncensored, but I respectfully relate to you I
believe it charges too much money for it. But that is insufficient
to delete it from here. Also explore the W-WW sites of Berne
Convention purveyors under the "Zines | Diverse
Culture" rubric on the regular bookmark page.
This is Roger T. Pipe's adult video review site. Rog has been
reviewing movies on the Internet since 1995. I met him in Orange
County, California in 1998. Rog prefers contemporary adult videos.
The site is now on its third iteration, and offers much content,
including a sexblog, and a forum.
It was tough to determine on which bookmark page this should go.
I finally decided to put it on this one. Bill Zebub is a director of
erotic, bloody, and frequently blasphemous softcore
(Soft-X) movies with hard rock | heavy metal
music on the soundtrack. Bill Zebub manages to cast females
in his movies who you would want to see nude, and they do get
nude. I have traded some of my Japanese Adult Videos for
his movies [@ Cinema Wasteland ~ on the regular bookmark page].
I should be in one of his movies. Bill Zebub has
resumed a radio broadcast which can be heard via WFMU-FM [also on
the regular bookmark page].
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