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A solid regular bookmark page (by Pudgy).
I have heard that other Internet denizens do not mention or link to
these bookmark pages, not because of what I link to, but because my
full name appeared up front. This has to do with doxing.
I keenly believe in security and privacy on-line, but being identified
for these bookmark pages is something I accept, if not encourage. I
stand behind the World-Wide Web sites to which I link. If you look at
the Source Code here, my name remains in the metadata.
Due to the current U.S. administration, these pages have been
turned black in protest. They shall remain in this color
scheme until at least the next congressional election. Basically,
the Federal agencies which could do something about the collusion
and price-fixing of items are having their funding ravaged.
This is the W-WW page extracted from above which will do a domain
registration and host location on a registered domain name or
I. P. Address. Its drawback is that you have a maximum of
fifty addresses which you can search per your own
I. P. Address every 24 hours. [If you need to get
around this limit, configure a proxy in your browser. That shall get
you another fifty.]
This is a collection of TCP | I. P. [Internet Protocol]
and Internet tools gathered from around the World-Wide Web for anyone
interested in tracking down DNS, HTTP headers, traceroutes from various
backbones, and more. This is a significant W-WW site. I was
disquieted it went off-line. So, I send you to the Internet Archive's
[c.v.] last capture of it: 21 August 2018.
Here is a Japanese W-WW site where you can lookup the domain record
of an I. P. address without it counting against an external
limit [such as Ad Hoc's lookup function]. But it also seems to be inaccurate
for some of them.
This is not a left-clickable link. To use this, right-click
on it; select "Copy Link Location"; paste that into the
'Location' line; and then type in the URL about which you want to inquire.
Enter the URL of the World-Wide Web page whose links you want to
check into the query box and click 'Submit'. This site will save you a
lot of time; however, I recommend clicking on the URLs it shows to be
broken. Some sites do not want to be remotely spidered, so there is a
possibility for false positives.
This is a hub W-WW site with information about on-line applications
and software programs to secure your computer. There is also a forum for
which you may register.
For my new Domain Name, I utilized this. It offers the
lowest price for domain registration and renewals. HTTPS | SSL
certificates are included at no extra cost. Many other TLDs
are also available for low prices (Click on SALE!
atop this page.).
This is a webhost located in Iceland which maintains
ultra secure hosting, with strident DDoS mitigation systems. It
guarantees that your World-Wide Web site will remain online and
uncensored, as long as it does not violate its Terms of Service
or the laws of Iceland. Anonymous service (with merely a valid
E-Mail address) via Bitcoin is offered. It also accepts a credit
card, PayPal, eChecks, wire transfer, and cash by mail. For
Pqrs-Ltd.Xyz, I pay $26.98 for six months hosting.
Tiny Apps is a depot of applications for Windows®-based
computers. All of these applications (and programs) are scripted
in tight, concise code. The webmaster also maintains a weblog,
and offers a free E-Mail newsletter.
This is the easiest and most reliable tester of broadband
Internet service providers. Its accuracy and performance is made
possible through the 11,000+ servers around the world that host
its server daemon.
This is another broadband internet speed tester. It is powered
by Netflix and concentrates on downloading speed. Uploading
speed and bufferbloat may optionally be tested.
This is a cracking forum's page with free NNTP newsservers. You can
search for a specific newsgroup on the twenty-two newsservers it
currently has. Keep in mind that most of these newsservers will not
carry all the newsgroups in which you could be interested.
Mibbit features the most complete, up to date and relevant IRC
search on the web. Its IRC search engine monitors scores of IRC networks
to bring you more live IRC channels, more active IRC users, and
thousands of pages of information on IRC networks, their services, and
their servers.
mIRC is the Internet Relay Channel program I recommend for
all users with Windows®-based computers. The current version
is v7.75. It has been downloaded over 220 million times.
This is a concise freeware program by Jörg
Rosenthal which, similar to Dup Detector, will search for
duplicate or similar files on a specified disk drive.
This site teaches you how to refine your searches to hone in on
exactly the material which fulfills your quest. It will take some
time initially, but you will know how to find information very
swiftly thereafter. Inexplicably, this W-WW page went off-line, so
I am retrieving it from the Internet Archive [c.v.].
StartPage is a search engine which claims it is "the
world's most private search engine". It does not record your
I. P. Address, or surreptitiously place any cookies
on your hard drive. So a law enforcement agency will have nothing
to obtain from it. It feels its search results are more
comprehensive, and more accurate than other search engines. Its
unique capabilities include an advanced search, a global search,
and power refinement. I send you to the page where you can
specify technical searching parameters. StartPage goes via
Google. I thus alert you that there are W-WW pages
Google removes from its database. For all the links
here to Google-based W-WW sites, I am unenthused with its
data mining, telemetry, and user-tracking proclivities.
Yandex is a technology company which strives to deliver a
world-class, locally relevant search. It appeared online in 1997.
Give this a try. I dislike that it keeps placing a bunch of
cookies in your W-WW browser, and it does not maintain its
settings unless you register for it and logon.
This is another privacy-keeping search engine which allegedly
has a no-removal policy toward what it may find. It is
available in English, German, and Español.
This search engine goes via Bing. Its foundation is that it
does not record your I. P. Address, or
surreptitiously place any cookies on your hard drive. It is also
available on Tor.
This is a search engine for vintage computers. Its
search functionality is basically a custom wrapper for Duck Duck Go
[c.v.], converting the results to extremely basic HTML that old
browsers can read.
Google is a search engine and portal. You are not mistaken:
It has gotten worse in recent years. It has been reported the first
genuine result to your search term is the fourteenth.
But I leave this on here because you can still find the comprehensive
information which you seek. You just have to be more perservering
in how you seek. This link sends you to the TLS version of
the Advanced Search page.
Gibson Research Corp. (Steve Gibson) offers this site for
all computer users. I originally recommended this W-WW site for
its "Shields Up!" service, where you can securely test
your computer's shields and probe your computer's ports. If you
use portable USB stick drives, a new utility called Validrive
can check if that stick drive delivers all the capacity it
promises. (Many sold on Amazon do not.) There are also other
solid services for protecting your computer.
Woody was Woody Leonhard [R.I.P.]. When he retired, he placed
Susan Bradley in his stead. There is a forum affiliated with this
weblog, to which I am registered, and I keenly recommend.
Windows® 7 is being supported by Windows Server 2008 R2
x64 updates, and Windows® 8.1 is being supported by
Windows Server 2012 R2 x64 updates. I am not converting to
Windows® 11 to become another unpaid beta tester for its buggy
"Windows as a service" operating system. I will
switch to a Linux distribution before doing that.
This site, maintained by Michael Horowitz, focuses
on the security of routers. It covers configuration changes to
make a router more secure, and picking a router that is more
resilient out of the box. If your router gets infected with
malware, or re-configured in a malicious way, most people
would never know. There is no antivirus for routers.
This is another W-WW site maintained by M. Horowitz. It is a
list, both of things to be aware of, and specific defensive steps
that we can take in response to the computer threats of 2025.
Neither of these two W-WW sites have ads (If an ad appears on
your screen, either your browser, computer, or router has been
infected.). Hardly anybody (besides me) links to them.
Bruce Schneier is an internationally renowned security
technologist. He has composed numerous print publications,
including fourteen books, alongside on-line articles and essays. He is
a board member of the Electronic Frontier Foundation [c.v.]. He
distributes the free on-line newsletter "Crypto-Gram". The
archive of his posts, going back to the early 2000s, is fascinating.
The persons responding to each entry seem to be left-of-center.
This is a comprehensive W-WW site webmastered by Igor Ljubuncic,
who has a long experience of working in high tech. He has 15 patents,
20 books - on both technical matters and science-fiction, and several
open-source projects. I added this page because he provides
easy-to-understand processes for dealing with computer hassles.
Inspect his "greatest_sites" W-WW page. Dedoimedo has been
online since 2006.
This is a weblog by Cory Doctorow. He is a science fiction
author, activist, and journalist. He also has a presence at His latest book is THE INTERNET CON (September
2023), a nonfiction book from Verso about monopoly and radical
interoperability. He is the author of the international young adult
LITTLE BROTHER series. He is also the author of HOW TO DESTROY
SURVEILLANCE CAPITALISM, nonfiction about conspiracies and monopolies;
and of RADICALIZED and WALKAWAY, science fiction for adults, a young
adult graphic novel called IN REAL LIFE; and other YA novels like
(Aug. 2020). His newest novel is THE BEZZLE (a followup to RED TEAM
BLUES ~ Feb. 2024). He works for the Electronic Frontier Foundation,
is a MIT Media Lab Research Affiliate, is a Visiting Professor of
Computer Science at Open University, a Visiting Professor of Practice
at the University of North Carolina’s School of Library and
Information Science and co-founded the U.K. Open Rights Group. Born
in Toronto, Ontario, Canada, he now lives in Los Angeles, CA. In 2020,
he was inducted into the Canadian Science Fiction and Fantasy Hall of
Fame. In 2022, he earned the Sir Arthur Clarke Imagination in Service
to Society Awardee for lifetime achievement.
Broadband Reports was DDoS'd off the Internet. This is
a World-Wide Web site which provides random passwords which you
can use on a particular W-WW site, or a .rar file. You can choose
between a weak, good, or strong password. Nonetheless, a good
password is one you can remember, and many of the passwords
generated here are just a vomited bowl of alphabet soup. Choose two
dictionary words, use mixed case, and splice in a number. That will
be a password you shall recall.
I read reports that some Internet Service Providers have
configured their provided DNS servers to deny access to select
World-Wide Web sites. This is a site which provides freely
available DNS servers, for both IPv4 and IPv6 connections, which
may be utilized instead of the controlling DNS server by the ISP.
Here is a contingent DNS server W-WW page for the above. It
claims to be checked continuously, and is available for download
in plain text, CSV, and JSON. I send you to the page for the
U.S.A. Other countries are available.
Spybot Search and Destroy is a program which digs deeply into
the workings of your computer to find (and eradicate) programs that
are stealthily tracking your W-WW surfing behavior. It is available
in 32 languages. This site has gone missing at times.
Freenet is a peer-to-peer network designed to allow the distribution
of information over the Internet in an efficient manner, without fear of
censorship. Freenet is completely decentralized, which means that it
cannot be attacked or blocked.
This URL has a review of a book authored by Clay Shirky,
published by Penguin Press in 2008, on the effect of the Internet
on modern group dynamics and organization. It astutely describes
a problem still affecting on-line fora, communities, and
social media platforms. Essentially, what he states is
that World-Wide Web venues need a constitution in order to
be able to deal with the online users who will perform uncivil
acts there.
This is the W-WW-based free E-Mail service I recommend for new
accounts. I have an account here. It scans each complete email,
including attachments, for virii and spam. If a virus is found, it
is blocked at the gateway, and is not even allowed onto its servers.
It utilizes greylisting, public, and private block lists, and
SpamAssassin to detect spam. If detected, it is then discarded and
will only appear in your spam folder if it is potentially legitimate.
This is another World-Wide Web-based E-Mail provider. Its E-Mails
are encrypted end-to-end. It was founded in 2013 at the CERN research
facility. It is open source, and hosted in Switzerland. As such, it
is subject to that nation's strict privacy regulations. It is also
available on Tor.
For some good news associated with Spring 2020, SpamGourmet
was revived. This is a free E-Mail proxy service
which you can use to protect your real E-Mail address. The concept
here is that when you encounter a situation where you need to
provide an E-Mail address (a forum, an on-line travel price
quote, someone who you do not know), you give it a disposable
E-Mail address which, if you do not subsequently permit the
sender, will die after a limited number of E-Mails. Its
shared largest drawback is that a variety of situations where you
would prefer to sign up with an E-Mail proxy will not
accept a four-part E-Mail address, which is absurd
contemplating how many persons have workplace E-Mail addresses
formatted "", and
that an anti-spam software suite [e.g.: Barracuda]
may consider an E-Mail bearing a "" or
"" domain to be spam and bounce that E-Mail with
an "Address is not allowed to send E-Mail to
<recipient>." error message. The reality
is that spammers know how to forge an E-Mail header to appear to
be from "", "",
"", "", or
"". If the anti-spam suite bounced
all the E-Mails with those domains, it would eliminate ~96% of all
the E-Mails sent by anybody. I have utilized SpamGourmet
since May 2005. Since then, I have never given out
the direct address at In this span, SpamGourmet has
eaten 53,385 spam E-Mails. Anti-spam
software corporations should also be interrogated about their
associations with spammers.
When it appeared that SpamGourmet was going off-line, I
was testing the free level at 33mail. You are welcome to
experiment with it. It is not as instinctive as SpamGourmet.
Need an E-Mail address to attach to a music or video clip which you
are sharing (to comply with state law)? Or do you just want to avoid
being spammed when you register for a forum? One method is to use a
disposable E-Mail account. This site offers hundreds of companies which
will allow you to not use your primary E-Mail account. View its forum.
Frequently, as you surf the W-WW, you may encounter a URL which you
would like to refer into a forum, weblog, or E-Mail message, but which
is so lengthy that cutting and pasting it will result in the URL being
extended beyond one line, or you running out of characters in your
text message. This is designed to correct that. It will snip the long
URL into a much shorter URL which serves as a seamless gateway
to it. If you tick the specific box here, it will count how many surfers
have clicked on it. Its hazard: A URL shortener can be used for
evil as well as good [i.e.: hiding affiliate codes, or standing in
for malware domains]. I certify to you that I shall always only use
them for good.
RingSurf offers easy access to thousands of member World-Wide Web
sites organized by related interests into easy-to-travel rings. If you
seek other persons who share your hobby, link here. RingSurf is
completely free and does not require you to identify yourself in order
to maintain a site thereupon.
This is an add-on for Firefox 57 and newer browsers.
Download it, restart Firefox and click on the button in the location
bar to enable it. Then, when you mouse over a character in Japanese,
a bubble will appear giving the definition of that character in
English. I submit that all erotica enthusiasts will need to
at least learn how to comprehend Japanese. This reader will help.
This Firefox add-on will translate the current page without
having to open a new tab. Upon installation, its avatar will appear
inside the URL box. You can choose either the Google or Yandex
translation engine. You may optionally set to automatically translate
that W-WW site, or the specified language.
The World-Wide Web is truly universal, now that it has this
phenomenal service. This page will translate your designated text
into Pig Latin. You need to turn on JavaScript|ActiveX®.
This is the most amazing resource you shall ever find on the
World-Wide Web! The Internet Archive is a U.S.A.-based 501(c)(3)
public nonprofit that was founded to build an Internet library, with
the purpose of offering free and permanent access to historical digital
collections for researchers, historians, and scholars. I found my
lost Chicago POWER results and statistics pages archived
here, there are a lot of Grateful Dead [c.v.] concerts, and
the entire library of "Psychotronic Video®"
zine issues as well. I have donated to it.
You have probably heard about this. Wikipedia is the free on-line
encyclopedia which any registered user can edit. This is the main page
of the English-language section.
I have known about this Wiki-styled webpage since 2008, when it
released a caché of data about the questionable money-handling
procedures of multi-national banks. You probably heard about this
thanks to the release of documents and cables collated by the
U.S.A. This is a very important resource for whistle-blowers
and investigative reporters, amongst others. The proponents of
legislation or regulation aimed at "rogue foreign
websites" may drape their argument with the cloak of
protecting Intellectual Property, or children, but you
should realize that WikiLeaks would be one of the first W-WW
sites which would be attempted to be delisted and removed from DNS
It is one thing to go after multi-national banks. It is
another thing to go after republic nations. Going after
both will result in a massive cyberattack on both
the legal and illegal fronts. Cyberattacks are
undertaken continuously by nations, botnets, organizations, and
individual persons who will go very far to victimize those who
present vistas with which they contend. Censorship, or
terrorism, is never the best answer. It engenders a
chilling effect such that differing viewpoints are
not expressed. This is wrong. The response to bad
speech is more speech. The best quote I viewed about
WikiLeaks: "When exposing a crime is treated as
committing a crime, you are ruled by criminals."
Saving Illinois History, One Story at a Time is a weblog
maintained by Dr. Neil Gale, Ph. D. He presents information in a
comprehensive, educational manner. The preponderance of the blog
entries orbit around Abraham Lincoln.
This is the W-WW site of the U.S.A.'s most important voice on behalf
of individuals. You do not have to agree with all the positions it
supports in order to understand its importance. I deduce traffic to this
site is being monitored by any number of agencies and | or persons.
The E.F.F., one of whose founders was John Perry Barlow [R.I.P.],
is an organization promoting freedom of expression in digital media.
It is the leading civil liberties group defending your rights in the
digital world.
Free Speech Internet TV is the first audio | video hub on the
World-Wide Web created and defined by the people who use it. Free Speech
Internet TV's commitment is to offer services. It is available on
Dish Network® direct broadcast satellite (channel 9415).
Here is the Federal Communication Commission's broadband map of 24
December 2024. It has multiple variables you can select, including the
method of how the broadband access is delivered. The FCC defines
broadband at the minimum of 100 Mbps down & 20 Mbps up. I keenly
encourage you to opt for Fiber to the Premises 1000 Mbps down.
I believe you do not need anything faster (some addresses have 5000
Mbps capacity); however, take note at how fast you can upload.
XFinity® | Comcast® generally offers 1200 Mbps down, but
only 35 Mbps up. Astound® | RCN® offers 1500 Mbps down,
but 50 Mbps up.
This is a World-Wide Web site which assists you in finding
amenities including television and Internet connectivity for a
geographic area. It is available for the entire contiguous U.S.A.
I send you to the page for Chicago. Back-parse for other cities.
Here is a comprehensive World-Wide Web site listing scores of
ISPs, including dial-up | v.92 modem ISPs (which I recommend
having as a contingency should your broadband connection fail). This
page is for the U.S.A. Other countries are available.
I finally remembered which E-Mail address I specified when
signing up for Mastodon. Mastodon is an open instant messaging
platform which is decentralized. You can view people on other
instances, but it works better if not everybody is on the
same instance. Some internet denizens are remarking
about BlueSky. But as Cory Doctorow [c.v.] has scribed,
BlueSky is another Twitter wanna-be with no fire exit if
it becomes enshittified. I have chosen a Mastodon instance
ostensibly orbiting around metropolitan Chicago. But one can
expect that I shall comment on any number of topics with which
I have knowledge, and in which I am interested. They can also
view some of the thousands of photographs I have taken since 2009.
This site will yield the ZIP + 4 ZIP Code for virtually any address
serviced by the United States Postal Service. You need to turn on
Here is a good interactive site which will provide the exchange rate
between your home country and the recipient country. This displays U.S.
Dollar to Japanese Yen. You need to turn on JavaScript|ActiveX® to
use this site.
This is Snopes. Since 1995, it has been a W-WW site which
debunks the mentioned topics. Before you forward that E-Mail, or
recirculate the URL which purports to disclose a life-changing message,
please check here.
Are you tired of getting mailings from banks offering you another
credit card, mortgage, or line-of-credit offer? This TLS W-WW site,
maintained by the U.S.A.'s big four credit reporting
bureaux, is where you can terminate receiving those offers in the mail.
This may not be 100% effective; because there are some financial
institutions which do not use the big four's services; but it should
significantly curtail the onslaught.
Across the U.S.A., some houses of religion are dabbling into
something expressly prohibited to them by the U. S.
Constitution: Partisan politics. This organization exposes which
ones are, and offers actions which can be taken to cease this.
The World-Wide Web has many sites on which miscreants are annotated.
Here's a site which identifies the miscreants whose day jobs
are being paid snitches for entrapping other individuals (who may not be
contemplating any illegal activity). It strives to be the
largest online database of informants and agents. There is also a forum
for which you may register.
Via the Tor Project [c.v.], this is a World-Wide Web site maintained
by the Cato Institute, a libertarian organization, documenting genuine
instances of when law enforcement personnel have abused their position
of authority.
This is a W-WW site espousing progressive ideas for dealing with
today's world. However, subscribing to this magazine may result in
you being refused a U.S. Governmental security clearance (including
T.S.A. PreCheck®).
This is an online newspaper that reports local and neighborhood
news in Chicago. It operates as a non-profit, subscription-based
service. Its mission is to deliver reliable, essential, and
nonpartisan coverage of Chicago's diverse neighborhoods.
Boing Boing is an aggregator of both blog postings and W-WW v2
websites across a vast spectrum of topics. It has been consistently
rated amongst the top World-Wide Web sites.
This is a comprehensive forum with many dedicated members which
should help you (and I) discern how to accomplish a particular quandary.
You need to turn on JavaScript|ActiveX®, and accept cookies to post
or respond here.
This is the World-Wide Web location of the U.S.A.'s most
esteemed organization rating products and services. (The magazine
was first published in May 1936.) It is a member of Consumers
International, a federation of more than 220 consumer
organizations from over 115 countries.
mySimon is a service of C.B.S. Interactive. It is a World-Wide
Web site which turns its shopping bots loose on the Internet to find
prices of items for which you are seeking. For something eminating
from a W-WW behemoth, it is quite good.
This W-WW site allows you to compare product prices across a
spectrum of on-line purveyors. It also has a keen forum where you
can learn about the sites surveyed herein, as well as technical
aspects of computing and the Internet.
Cook Bros. is a warehouse store not charging a membership fee. Its
prices may not be the lowest, but the spectrum of what it stocks in its
store at 1740 N. Kostner Ave. in Chicago is something you should
This is a World-Wide Web site which collates a large number of
supermarket and other stores' weekly advertisement flyers and presents
them in one space. I send you to the grocery list for 60641.
Change to your ZIP Code and the types of stores in which you are
seeking on the left side.
Craig's List began as a cooperative forum in San Francisco,
CA. It matured into an on-line campus compounding social and business
spheres, for communities across the U.S.A., and around the world. The
communities are on the right side of the screen. Despite the negative
coverage it has attracted from mainstream media, there are
solid deals and valuable services available here. Craig's List prefers
you browse with Firefox.
This is the W-WW site of the financial institution in which an
amount of my funds are deposited. It has been in business since 1944.
(It moved to the corner of Belmont Ave. and Cicero Ave. in 1953.)
It is FDIC insured. It is a bank I can highly recommend to everyone
in metropolitan Chicago, especially those not wanting to entrust
their money to a multi-national corporation. It offers many banking
services for free; and has consultants who speak English, Español,
or Polish.
This is Chicago's most astute forum discussing food, both
domestically and commercially. I am registered here. I recommend
doing so also. (Requires JavaScript|ActiveX® on, and cookies
accepted.) However, as I scribe below, the COVID-19 pandemic
should cause all the LTHF Great Neighborhood Restaurants (GNR)
to be delisted and have to re-prove they are worthy of recommendation.
This is a Google document noting the above. In many
instances, the percentage being added is inferred to be the
substitute to a tip, but is not. This also notes which venues add
the surcharge after taxes have been included. There are
also annotated examples of when a surcharge is designated for the
benefit of employees [e.g.: for their health care plan], but said
employees note they do not qualify for health care because they
are not assigned enough hours. Information on how to add a venue
to this document is indicated on the page.
This is | was a phenomenal Google document produced by the
LTHF's [c.v.] member "eating while walking". It
displays thirteen variables about the italian beef shack where he
dined. Nine of the thirteen apply to the sandwich itself. He has been
to ninety-five shacks. For E Giard Type, Standard
equals serrano peppers, olives, celery, carrots, and cauliflower.
This was very valuable circa 2018, but many of the shacks listed
here have closed - but are not shown as closed, and the ones which
remain have not been visited since the COVID-19 pandemic broke out in
the U.S.A., such that the ratings can no longer be fully trusted.
However, recently I espied a number of previously unannotated italian
beef shacks on here, so perhaps he might renew his coverage.
This is a World-Wide Web page with hundreds of pictures of
various courses of Chicago-styled foodstuffs. All foods on Grease
Freak appear exactly how they were intended to look by the folks who
prepared them. He does not touch-up the food to improve appearances.
The methodology: He orders, gets the food, shoots, and eats. He
does not claim to be an expert on fast food, but he is well aware of
the merits and pitfalls of Chicago's staple meals. He has eaten
countless winners and, all too often, some real stinkers that made
him physically ill.
This is a Google map constructed by me where I depicted
the restaurants along the Chicago Transit Authority [c.v.] bus
routes #54 Cicero and #77 Belmont which I visited in person and
bought food from there back to the abode.
This is a weblog maintained by somebody who was associated
with a barbecue joint. He does not limit himself to posts about
B-B-Q. He began this weblog in September 2008. But I did not learn
about this until a Google map he compiled about venues in
Tokyo, Japan [c.v.] turned up on another foodie weblog.
He has threatened to turn this blog into a Substack entity. If he
does, I recommend against paying for it, because the money
garnered by Substack would go to promoting its fascist bloggers.
This is a World-Wide Web site orbiting around food, both in-home
and at restaurants both small and large. It keeps food and culture
at its core, catering to a diverse readership of varied experiences
and backgrounds. It was begun by persons behind "The Onion"
and "The A. V. Club", but was sold to Static Media in 2024.
This is a weblog which considers itself a magazine (which is the
reason for the sponsored articles) covering the spectrum of its title.
It strives to present timely and in-depth reporting on the industry.
It is provided by WTWH Media, LLC.
This is a national food, beverage, and venue collator, similar
to the Little Three Happiness Forum [c.v.]. I send you to the Chicago
branch of the operation. It shall be interesting in the upcoming
months when the restaurants who post images on Instagram® and
submit their media releases to Eater go silent after abruptly
losing back-of-house employees (because they were undocumented
individuals who it was not paying the minimum wage or providing any
health care benefits; and it is not going to hire anybody legally in
the U.S.A. to replace them.).
Groupon began as a side project of a progressive political
organization along the lines of But its ability to
negotiate pricing deals with local restaurants, and stores, swiftly
overtook the original intent. You sign up with an E-Mail address in
order to access the site [It will send you a daily E-Mail.]. As for
the deals it has been able to purvey; I think they are good. It
helps if you know someone with whom you can enjoy the deal. Most are
overwhelming for one person alone. I send you to the Chicago page.
I ordered books from Edward R. Hamilton, of Falls Village, CT.,
for over 30 years. It started out as a remaindered-only, mail order
company. It keeps its prices low by not accepting credit cards or
doing any billing. The ultimate payoff is at the conclusion. It charges
only $4.00 for postage and handling, regardless of the number
of books which you order.
Obtaining parts and supplies, including air filters and
carburetors, for the 1987 Chevrolet Sprint might have been a
much more expensive foray were it not for RockAuto.
Here is an advertising-supported World-Wide Web site comparing
residential and business VoIP providers. It is maintained by
Slashdot Media. In North America, the telephone number you
dial to learn who is your default long distance carrier for that
line is 1-700-555-4141.
This W-WW site has completely revamped. It is a purveyor of
uncensored Usenet access. Rates are $12.00 | month, or $99.00 | year.
Data downloads are capped at 635 GB | month. The service is offered
in six languages. It is registered to somebody in, and hosted in
Germany, but its corporate headquarters are in San Marino.
This is an open source map of the world, user-maintained
and free to use. There is a learning curve involved with it. Its
base is much more intricate than that of Google. It emphasizes
local knowledge. It may be utilized for any purpose as long as you
credit it and its contributors.
Chicago is one of the easiest cities (in the U.S.A.) to traverse
without an automobile. Unlike some cities, its system does not shut
down completely at midnight. Link here for routes, maps, and
schedules. If you do not use a Ventra® card as your payment
method, you are paying too much. There is now a
Flickr® account in which it posts photographs from its library.
The Authority overhauled the Bus Tracker application. Now,
both the stop location and the map displaying where a bus is
operating are both under this URL. This page is also available en
This is a swift and informative W-WW site which searches the
Authority's Clever Devices application to locate its
buses currently in service. It has been upgraded to tracking all
buses, broken out by model. It is updated every ten minutes.
Here is a similar W-WW site to that of the above. It locates
all Pace suburban Regional Transportation Authority buses. It is
in numerical order. Pace does not number a vehicle to end in
13. It is updated every ten minutes. For vehicles with a
five-digit number, the first two digits are the last two digits
of the year they were delivered.
This is a rubric of a transit inspection World-Wide Web site
by Darwin O'Connor that provides real-time bus and train
tracking and next vehicle predictions for multiple metropolitan
areas, including the CTA. It is a significant W-WW site, but its
misspellings are disappointing [e.g.: "distince",
"broweser", "shink"]. I send you to the
routelist. A CTA system map is also available. Back parse for
the other systems it inspects.
Streetsblog is a daily news source connecting people to
information about sustainable transportation and livable communities.
It has covered the movement to transform our cities by reducing
dependence on private automobiles and improving conditions for
pedestrians, cyclists, and transit riders. There are Streetsblog
World-Wide Web pages for six other metropolitan areas, as well as a
national one for the rest of the U.S.A.
This is an interactive W-WW site maintained by Brandon McFadden.
It examines the current service levels of the Authority's
L trains at selected key stations. This accurately
depicts the number of actual arrivals compared with the number
This is a forum with both operators and riders of metropolitan
Chicago posting frequently. It still has a number of unsubstantiated
and irrational opinions, too many replies reading "thanks" or "ok", and people not reading other
people's replies, but it is worth monitoring. My transit content
is now generally posted on the Skyscraper City forum [c.v.].
This is the World-Wide Web's largest resource for information on
Chicago's rapid transit system. It encompasses transit history;
advocacy; and technical data. It is a member of the "Chicago and
Northern Illinois History Ring".
I have been a member (#4645) of C.E.R.A. since 1978. C.E.R.A.
has been around since 1938. It is a railfan organization orbiting
around the metropolitan Chicago area. Monthly {except July and August}
meetings of the organization are held at its downtown office space
@ 400 E. Randolph St. 7th floor. The meetings are on the fourth
Friday of each month (at 19:00 hours [UTC-5]). C.E.R.A. is
also conducting videoconferencing meetings via Zoom on the
second Friday of the month. C.E.R.A. needs new members. It is
jarring when I attend the physical meetings and sense I am the
youngest person in the room. If you are intrigued by trains, or
Chicago, please join C.E.R.A.
Here is a user-compiled list of future railroad presentations,
both electric and steam, via the Zoom® program. You can adjust
the beginning times of each for the four time zones of the
contiguous fourty-eight U.S. States, plus a selection of other time
zones. Be wary of some organizations which will attempt to
guilt trip you into becoming a member thereof in order
to view its presentations. Once each pays the fee for Zoom, it has
no further cost. It will not matter if its presentations are
viewed by five, fifteen, fifty, or ninety-nine people. If it is
publicized here, it is open to you. (If it doesn't want you to view
it, it should only publicize it to its members. But it realizes
if it ceased the Zoom shows, it would disappear from the
consciousness of everybody on the Internet, and likely die
a rapid death.)
The webmaster | janitor here is David Sadowski. It orbits
around photographs of traction vehicles, mainly in Chicago, but
including a number of other areas in the U.S.A. I have contributed
to it, and I appear in his photographs. His books,
self-published via Arcadia Publishing, are interesting, but
when he boasts that the number of pages was increased; if you are
used to the dimensions [H × W] of a C.E.R.A. Bulletin, or
Shore Line Dispatch, Arcadia is a mere 9¼" ×
6½". He scribed he intends to do posts monthly in 2025.
The "Hicks Car Works" name commemorates a Chicago Heights
train car manufacturer (1897-1911). It constructed Chicago, Aurora,
& Elgin car #309 in 1907. (CA&E #309 continued in service on
the CA&E until the railroad's abrupt end of passenger service on 3
July 1957.) It is still operated sporadically at the Illinois Railway
Museum in Union, IL. (McHenry County - northwest of Chicago). This
weblog orbits around the preservation activity @ I.R.M.
This is an expanding World-Wide Web site which is scanning and
uploading print publications issued by the CTA, for both the public
and its own employees. The documents are in .pdf format.
Is your flight delayed? Are you at the airport right now
wondering if the airline's gate agent is telling you the complete
truth? Link here for the real answer. FlightAware collects
data from air traffic control across the U.S.A. Select by
specific flight, airport, or aircraft type. You may register for
it to obtain additional information; but if you did, you now need
to alter your profile definitions - it was hacked in July 2024.
This is the travel forum which I found most educational when
researching my trips to Tokyo, Japan. This forum began as a
resource for airlines' frequent flyer program members to provide
key data. It has expanded to include specific recommendations
within popular destinations. I am registered here, and I can
recommend you do so. You need to turn on JavaScript|ActiveX®,
and accept cookies. There is a rubric here which you will not
view until you have been on the forum for a specified number of
days and made a number of posts and replies.
Frommer's has been in continuous annual publication since the
1957 debut of Arthur Frommer's revolutionary
"Europe on $5 a Day", which changed the way the world
traveled. It helps you experience your travel destinations the way
locals do. It offers a free newsletter. I was derelict in not
having this on this page.
Hotwire® has been overhauled. It now does the search work for
Expedia, Orbitz, & Travelocity, which is why those W-WW
sites have been removed. All these travel reservation sites work
swifter if you use a direct connection to the Internet, turn on
JavaScript|ActiveX®, and accept cookies.
Agoda is an online travel platform that brings high-value and
rewarding travel experiences to people all over the world through
the Agoda website. Its mission is to empower everyone to be a
traveler by offering affordable deals on hotels, flights,
activities, et cetera. I have used this to book hotel rooms in
Tokyo, and will investigate other cities where I seek to travel.
You may register for this W-WW site should you want it to retain
your data.
Momondo [now encompassing Kayak] is an airline searching W-WW site
endeavoring to locate and identify the least expensive flight on the
route in which you are interested. It also has a trip
finder aspect allowing you to find new destinations from your
home city. In a few instances, it may not find the lowest rate, but
it will put you far enough along the path for you to obtain the lowest
rate: I.E.: An air flight will almost always be less costly to book at
that airline's own W-WW site. It has won awards, and been recommended
by CNN, the New York Times, and the Daily Telegraph. I send you to the
U.S.A. site. It has websites in other languages and countries.
This is another W-WW site comparing flights to find you the
cheapest deal, fast. It also attempts to find the cheapest hotels
and car rental for the trip. I send you to the U.S.A. site. It has
websites in other languages and countries.
Cheapo Air is a travel portal where a budget-savvy traveler can
search deeply for prices for airlines and lodging, enabling a result
with an ability to book it. Cheapo Air is promoted by
Fare Portal.
Back in 2011, Google bought ITA, a travel industry
software developer. This semi-obscure W-WW site [Can anything
affiliated with Google be considered obscure?] utilizes that
technology to create an easier way for users to find better flight
information online. It makes it easier to search for flights,
compare flight options, prices, and get to a W-WW site swiftly to
buy the ticket. (If you have a Google account, you can save
potential itineraries here; but it will almost always involve
booking the airfare elsewhere.) I found the lowest airfare for my
flights to Tokyo in April 2014-2017, September 2017, and April 2023
via here.
It was bought by Google, but this URL is still extant.
Its termination date has been publicized. It is aimed at savvy
frequent flyers who know how to tweak airline booking searches
to specify a route, cabin section, airline alliance, and a
number of other variables. Should you want to delve into this,
there is a rubric on the FlyerTalk forum [c.v.] under
Travel Tools offering key information.
This is a W-WW site, in the format of a weblog, which believes
it is the only airfare alert and comparison site that includes fares
on all airlines, including Southwest, Skybus, Allegiant, Spirit,
Frontier, and JetBlue.
Fare Compare is an airline ticket comparison shopping World-Wide
Website. It is an independent airfare shopping site with the all the
tools necessary to help consumers find the best deals available
quickly, easily, and first. Fare Compare believes that no one site
has the cheapest price, nor the best deal, at any given moment.
Online travel agencies and metasearch sites want to sell you a
ticket. Fare Compare wants to help you find a cheap flight deal.
It sent an e-mail.
This is a World-Wide Web site striving to save you a significant
amount of money on airfares worldwide. It emphasizes itself on
"error fares", which are extremely temporary.
This is a W-WW site focusing on hidden city flights;
which is an airline flight that makes at least one stop before landing
at its final destination [e.g.: Chicago-Albuquerque-San Francisco].
Sometimes, the cost of the flight from Chicago to San Francisco will
be less than any flight from Chicago to Albuquerque. Skiplagged
finds itineraries which match this description and books that flight.
Airlines do not like this. You have to book one-way fares
because if you had booked a round trip to San Francisco and did not
land there, the airline would cancel your return flight reservation
from there back to Chicago and capture your funds.
This is a search engine specializing in hotel rooms. The precept
is that the same hotel has different prices for its room
depending on which World-Wide Web site it appears [E.G.: The
budget W-WW site v. the city's Chamber of
Commerce W-WW site]. Trivago searches over 317 W-WW sites
[1,000,000 rooms] daily, and collates the data here.
Priceline® was a pioneer in online travel booking back in the
20th Century. The concept of naming a price for an airplane ticket,
hotel room, or rental car upended the marketplace. Its opacity was key
in its transformation. The individual name your price
paradigm has modified to express deals, which expound on
what is the lowest price a purveyor will accept for its property or
This is a collator of hotel rooms. It observes, Agoda,, & Hotwire's rates and proclaims them here. It offers
special pricing to persons who register and logon.
Motel 6 is the U.S.A.'s lowest-priced national motel chain. I began
staying at Motel 6 in 1987. On-line reservations are available. You may
register if you wish it to save some of your data.
This was formerly "Roomsaver". It is a collator of hotel
and motel coupons. This site also allows you to print out coupons from
its guides on-line. This corporation published the green guide.
When you travel, staying at a hostel puts you in touch with people
who are very interested in sharing their journeys with you. It is also
one of the least expensive ways to sleep. I am a Life Member of HI-AYH.
This is its central site, available in four languages. You don't
have to be under 30 years of age to stay here. Bring a towel.
Here is the most vast World-Wide Web site disclosing hostels
around the globe. There is also a weblog here. Its aim is to feed and
water your wanderlust. It shares its best travel tips with the help of
favo(u)rite travel writers; such as where to find those authentic,
soul-filled places, in any particular city.
This is my favorite airline. Other air carriers may match its
airfare prices, but then they will snipe you with any number of nearly
unavoidable fees. Sign up for Rapid Rewards®. The program's terms
are changing, but not better for infrequent flyers.
I do not have cable | satellite television here at the abode.
But I did enjoy watching selected shows on this channel. Specifically,
"No Reservations", "Bizarre Foods", "Booze
Traveler", "Hotel Impossible", and "Man v.
Food". This page includes much multimedia.
Here is a fascinating travel weblog by Jürgen and Mike, from
Germany and the U.S.A. They love learning about new cultures and have
decided to see the world slowly. They travel the globe, photographing
and annotating their experiences. When not travelling, they live in
Valencia, Spain.
This is an independent, unaffiliated W-WW page which compiles all
the venues which have appeared on a panoply of cable | satellite
television shows revolving around food and beverage.
I leave this World-Wide Web site on here although Chicago no
longer has service. (The COVID-19 pandemic wreaked havoc with
intercity motor coach providers.) You may register if you wish it to
save some of your data. I send you directly to the page where you can
investigate the cost of your trip.
If you're out on the highway, you see them everyday. Traffic is
moving safely and expeditiously, but not legally according to the
posted speed limit. Link here to learn where are the speed traps
out on the highways of the U.S.A. It is sponsored by the National
Motorists Association.
Gas Buddy has a sufficient number of reliable gasoline price
posters throughout the U.S.A. and Canada. Use it to deduce where
to refuel as you motor. You can search via state, city, or zip code.
The potential hazard is mendacious gas station operators entering a
price lower than what they are charging in an attempt to influence
motorists to visit their station. Its app harvests all your user
information for resale elsewhere.
Interstate 95 [I-95] is the main highway on the east coast of the
U.S.A. Portions of it are a toll road. (I do not drive on toll roads |
turnpikes.) If you do drive I-95, here is a World-Wide Web site which
lets you know about food, lodging, gasoline prices, shopping, and more
along its route.
This is a forum orbiting around urban areas across the globe. It
serves as a repository for planners and the people who live or travel
there. I am registered here, and make my transportation posts and
replies here. You need to turn on JavaScript|ActiveX®, and accept
It is not affiliated with the above; but this forum orbits around
development news and construction activity on projects from around the
world, alongside discussions on urban design, architecture,
transportation and many other topics. I am registered here. You need
to turn on JavaScript|ActiveX®, and accept cookies.
This is a comprehensive forum orbiting around all aspects
of railroads in the U.S.A. and Canada. There are rubrics for all
classes of extant freight railroads, passenger rail, equipment
manufacturers, as well as railfanning and modelling. I am
registered here. In order for me to logon, I had to turn off
Enhanced Tracking Protection in Firefox. You need to turn on
JavaScript|ActiveX®, and accept cookies.
Here is a railroad discussion forum which is one of the oldest
railroad-orbiting World-Wide Web sites (online since March
2000). It has been integrated with Rail Images, which
launched when image hosting was rare on the W-WW. It estimates it
hosts over 100,000 railroad and model railroad images. For
the latter, it has a rubric titled Special Runs. You
need to register in order to view the full-sized images. It
requires JavaScript|ActiveX® on, and accepting cookies.
Here is a scintillating weblog I wish I had found years ago,
especially when my dad was alive. It is by Dennis DeBruler, and
features railroads, bridges, and the businesses served by them. He
takes photographs of them, which are Creative Commons - BY -
4.0, and shares them here.
This is a user-maintained W-WW site informing people about the
streetcars which ran, or in a few instances, are still running, in
Philadelphia, PA. However, it has not been updated since March 2020.
It's a lot different being shown around by a friend in San Francisco
than navigating the foggy maze on your own. This is the best independent
guide to what is worth seeing, and what is just a tourist trap.
It is overshadowed by the city's cable cars, but San Francisco also
has a fleet of electric streetcars running along Market Street seven days
a week. Here you can learn more about San Francisco's transit history,
the postwar P. C. C. (Presidents' Conference Committee)
streetcars used to provide service, and how to become a member of the
Did you link to a page which seemed to have the information for which
you were looking, but it had those unfamiliar Japanese Kana characters on
it? Here is a World-Wide Web page which can come to your assistance.
This is Jisho, another Japanese to English dictionary. This
page is where you can enter an English word, tick the box that reads
Kana as romaji, and view the output in both Kana and a
pronouncible English word. There are additional translations options at
the top of this page. Jisho is maintained by Denshi Jisho.
This is a URL I posted here to assist you in finding specific
venues in Japan by using one of the few elements you can read and
write from a Japanese-language [Kanji] World-Wide Web site on your
western keyboard: Its telephone number. Enter the number in the
box atop this page. The output display will include the Kanji
characters with the street address of the venue. You can then use
the copy and paste function of your computer's operating system
to transfer that street address to your map program.
A dynamic table illustrating what the trading range is for these
two currencies. This shows the current month. You need to turn on
This is an English-language translation of a chain of shops
in metropolitan Tokyo, Yokohama, and other cities in Japan, which
offer a higher [| better] purchase rate for a U.S. Dollar
(and subsequent conversion to a Japanese Yen).
This is another currency exchange corporation which I learned
about via a poster on FlyerTalk [c.v.]. Compare and contrast the
two shops' exchange rate. It appears many of its shops are in MUFG
bank branches.
After trying since 2017, in January 2020 I finally located a
service which would purchase an item sold only in Japan and ship
it to the U.S.A. In my case, it was a P145/80R-12 tire for
the 1987 Chevrolet Sprint. I recommend it to you as well. I placed
it precisely here because you will have to convert your U.S. Dollar
to Japanese Yen when depositing funds into your account to obtain
whatever you order, and your own credit card issuer will give you a
higher exchange rate (which you will glimpse by checking one of the
above exchange rate links) than this W-WW site's own. (You can
also use X-Rates, which is the "Currency converter" link
in Resources above.)
You will find much informative data here. I point out to you the
Japan Photos section. As you proceed, you may opt for a framed or
non-framed presentation. It has been online since March 1996.
This is the English-language home page for the above named
organization. There are more pages in Japanese which refer to the
general history of pinball.
This is Tokyo's (and probably Japan's) number one beer
bar. It has one hundred taps (but not all of them are
connected at any one time), including real ales. It is off the
beaten path in Ryögoku, an east-central area [Sumida-ku] of
Tokyo. The closest train station to it is the JR Sobu Line's
"Ryögoku" stop [west exit]. (If you catch it at
Akihabara or Ochanomizu, it will cost ¥140.) If you order
designated beers (indicated on the menu with a crown) during
Happy Hour (15:00 - 20:00 hours Mon.-Sat.), you
receive a free pub snack (Try the pizza.). Do note some of its
print ads and links from other W-WW pages still display an
erroneous opening time of 17:00 hours.
This is a bar in a neighborhood just north of downtown Yokohama,
which has two things going for it: Very low prices on extreme
craft beer, all of which are on draft and; recorded music, and music
videos, of hard rock and metal bands playing in the background.
Koichi-san is the proprietor. Its hours are limited. Its beers
are brewed at another location, which has both limited capacity and
opening hours.
Here is an English-language weblog where the blogger delves
into multiple aspects of craft beer in Japan (not just Tokyo &
Yokohama). Do not subscribe to its Patreon component, or
buy him a coffee.
Our craft beer blogger (Neil) is English, a soccer fan
(Kawasaki FRONTALE), a non-smoker, and a vegetarian. His
objective is to provide the information you could possibly want
about bars such as opening hours; an idea on prices; if they
have a cover charge; beer selection; how to get there if you
can't read Japanese; et cetera. He also presents guest reviews.
This is a comprehensive World-Wide Web site annotating venues in
Kanto [i.e.: The area of Japan in which is Tokyo.] It is updated
frequently. A Google map of the selected venue(s) is available.
It has recommendations for other areas of Japan if you back-parse.
I nearly had an article printed in the Lumpen Organization's
"Mash Tun" magazine which was put out during Chicago
Craft Beer Week 2012. My article was cut. This is a Google
map which displays the bars about which I wrote. Some of these
bars no longer exist.
This World-Wide Web site offers Japan visitors unlimited local
knowledge from a select Senpai network. This includes travel advice,
Japanese manners, learning about Japan and other questions.
This is a weblog, powered by Disqus, in which our four regular
bloggers (and the sporadic guest blogger) pontificate on how to
enjoy Tokyo while spending as little money as possible. Tokyo
is frequently cited as one of the most expensive cities on the
planet to visit, but that is a smokescreen. The venues you learn
about in those reports are written by public relations agencies
cohabiting with the venues being mentioned. The venues pay
to be included in the articles. The venues jack up their prices by
67+%. They find some cachet in being described as expensive, as
though you achieve some mythical status for shopping or dining
there. You do not get more, you just pay more. Tokyo Cheapo
helps you find the venues which do not participate in this racket.
[N.B.: This racket exists World-Wide. There was a Chicago
monthly small-sized glossy print magazine, The REAL
Chicago, which consisted of advertisements for avaricious
venues for eleven months, and which in the twelfth month were then
proclaimed by the magazine as Chicago's Best in a
convoluted category in which they were the only honoree.]
It took a while to find a definitive World-Wide Web site with
this information. Japan is loaded with convenience stores
(conbini), any of which are elevated over what
is found in North America, although this could change since the
Japanese corporation owning 7-Eleven-branded stores
has bought the Speedway gasoline | convenience store chain.
There are several branches of Lawson stores
in Japan. This is where there is a list of the Lawson stores
which sell everything for ¥100 [+ 10% tax]. I have
consistently shopped here when in Japan. The fascinating fact
is that Lawson was founded in northeast Ohio, U.S.A. in
1939. It expanded in the U.S.A. and was invested in by a larger
American corporation. In 1975, this corporation was approached by a
Japanese corporation seeking to compete against
7-Eleven-branded stores there. Lawson stores
began opening in Japan in June 1975. The larger American
corporation bought out the Lawson U.S.A. concern in 1985 and put
its name on the stores. The Japanese corporation continued using
the Lawson name. Lawson is the third-largest conbini chain
in Japan (because former numbers three & four merged to
become #2).
Donki (as it is commonly called) is a chain of department
stores in Japan. Its prices are extremely low. It also purveys
"shopping entertainment" in each store. I have bought lots
of items from its stores in Tokyo, Yokohama, and Osaka. The last
time I visited Japan, Donki saved me when I failed to pack my
three-prong to two-prong outlet converter. It accepts a credit
card. If you spend at least ¥10,000 in one visit, present your
passport, so it can deduct the excise tax from your purchase.
This is a Tokyo-based WordPress® blog. It orbits around
coverage of modern and traditional culture from Japan and Asia to
people around the world, focusing on fun, weird, and intriguing news.
This is the weblog of a female who lives in Vancouver, BC, Canada,
but frequently visits Japan and other countries. She has appeared on
satellite TV channels such as the Travel Channel [c.v.];
CNN in the U.S.A.; NHK in Japan; Canal+ in
France; and other international outlets. She orbits around gothic
style, alternative culture, and cute elements of Japan.
This is a weblog by Gianni Simone, a {former?} zinester
who I actually met in Tokyo in December 2005 (one of the few
non-messups of that jaunt). I did reconnect with him in April
2023. He is now posting his content via Substack, which offers
bonus material to people who pay for it. I enjoy his posts, but
will not pay money to Substack.
This is a blog by Kirk Brown, a 30-ish male from Kingston, Jamaica,
who began travelling to Japan in September 2011, and now lives in
rural Japan as a participant with the JET Programme.
Jamaipanese is a candid portmanteau of the words
JAMAIcan and JaPANESE, hence he calls himself and
the blog Jamai + Panese or Jamaipanese.
These twelve World-Wide Web sites are weblogs for English-speaking
people who are planning to visit Tokyo | Yokohama | Osaka | Nagoya,
love ramen, and do not read enough Japanese to be able to understand
Japanese ramen W-WW sites. I have removed all the Google
translations of these ramen reviewing W-WW sites. Use the Translate
Web Pages (TWP) Firefox addon to change the text to English (or
another Romance language). This is Japan's largest ramen restaurant
review W-WW site. All the reviews are from registered customers.
This is an account of a person living in Tsukuba, Ibaraki
Prefecture (northeast of Tokyo), Supleks' [c.v.] ramen reviews.
He is prolific. He writes one review per day, and each review is
thorough. Use the TWP Firefox addon to change the text to
English. Other Japanese-language ramen reviewers on Supleks
whom you could peruse are mocopapa, Y M K, &
Ramen Walker is a glossy print magazine reviewing ramen shacks.
It also usually provides money-saving coupons to many of them. Again,
use the TWP Firefox addon to change the text to English.
Here is another blog by a single individual. I like his posts
because he has a habit of photographing the ticket machine and
annotating what is each button. So you can attempt to learn
Japanese in this method. Use the TWP Firefox addon to
change the text to English.
This W-WW site strives to provide you with quality ramen
content. It is here to help you have an enjoyable time in Japan.
From restaurant reviews to recipes, it hopes you will come to
love ramen as much as it does.
This is a connoisseur's guide to the very best ramen of Japan.
It strives to discover and celebrate only the best: Legendary shops
open for generations, new school innovators carrying the cuisine
forward, and the countless Japanese ramen chefs devoted to the
mastery of their craft. One of its contributors is Abram Plaut, who
worked with Brian MacDuckston [c.v.] on a ramen column for a weekly
This is an English-language blog by Steve D., who lives in Tokyo,
but went to junior high school and high school in Hawai'i, U.S.A. He
eats at any number of restaurants, not merely ramen, in the
metropolitan area. He began blogging in 2009. He is also into
photography, so his entries mention the camera he used to take the
pictures. If you click through to his profile, you will find more
weblogs he composes.
Here is another ramen review blogger I finally learned about
when he guested on a ramen podcast I downloaded. He has been
blogging since March 2016. Its title is attributed to what one
consumes after a long night of drinking in Tokyo: A hearty bowl
which settles the alcohol in your stomach.
This is a ramen shack blog maintained by Gabriel Bloch. He did
most of his reportage in 2014-15, and has not blogged since
December 2017. The blog strives to be the essential resource for
the beginner and the connoisseur. For the beginner, check the
glossary for: Shio (salt), Shoyu (soy sauce), Miso (chicken &
pork), and Tonkotsu (pork). They are the four basic
classifications. Choose the one that sounds most appealing, and
then use here to find a shop in Tokyo. This is an attempt to
encyclopaedically list the city's best ramen shacks in a method
allowing newcomers and tourists to get into the best without a lot
of time or trouble. He got to (some) shacks that no other
English-language blogger did.
This is where Keizo Shimamoto resurfaced. He closed the
ramen shack in San Juan Capistrano. He has taken over this ramen
podcast (which had not had a podcast since April 2021). One of the
newer episodes delves into what happened with that ramen shack. I
send you to the direct link. But he has not had a new podcast in
two years. I nonetheless still recommend registering for Podbay.FM [c.v.].
This ramen blog is maintained by Benjamin Weber. He grew up in New
York City, eating pizza every day. After graduating college, he moved
to California, and then to Japan. He lived in Tokyo for over a year,
but then got a new job. He moved to Osaka in June 2011. Much of his
reportage is of shacks in Osaka. Each blog post is bi-lingual [English
| Japanese]. However, he has not posted since July 2022.
This is the map compounded by the above named person to which I
refer above. It was how I discovered his weblog. For his trip to
Tokyo (in 2019), he turned up hundreds of venues, many of which I
was | am unfamiliar.
This is the pocket-sized atlas I obtained at a bookstore in
Yokohama. It should be translated into English. But for now, it is
only available in Japanese. Kanagawa Prefecture is where you will
find Kawasaki, Yokohama, Yokosuka, Misaki, Sagamihara, Hakone, and
Odawara - all of which frequently attract English-speakers
visiting cosmopolitan Tokyo. With GPS devices flooding the
planet, is anyone publishing print atlases anymore?
This is a fascinating site formerly maintained by Steve Schultz,
who no longer resides in Japan. That does not diminish the crucial data
provided by this W-WW site. It describes Japanese pornographic books and
videos in English. This will help you if you land on a Japanese W-WW site
where the only use of English characters is in the linking URLs. The bulk
of this site orbits around music.
Somebody from Europe went and placed all the venues that S.
Schultz mentioned in his Tokyo Trip Report [linked from above] on
a Google map. Here it is.
This is an English-language weblog by Yasushi Hamada, who
retired. He was a petroleum geologist working in Shinjuku-ku. He
travels on many train and subway lines in cosmopolitan Tokyo,
not just JR.
This is a railfans' association, similar to C.E.R.A. [c.v.],
headquartered in the U.K., which focuses on activity of the indicated
topic. J.R., municipal, and private railway lines are covered. I am
member #2105 of this society. If you are interested in the topic, I
recommend doing also. It costs $45.00 | year. There is a U.S.A.
representative of the society (in Iowa). If you contact me, I will
pass along his address.
Begin by inputting the station names which you want to transit
in Japan. It notes what you are typing and suggests the station(s)
beginning with those letters. If you are staying at a hostel in
Asakusa, the station name you want is "Asakusa(Tokyo)".
Click on 'Customize Options' to specify the types of conveyances
you want included. The results will let you know how much it
will cost; how many times you need to transfer (and where);
and how much time will be consumed.
This is another interactive W-WW transportation site maintained
by Jorudan. The concept is the same. Its output is lengthier and
less interactive than Navitime, but its results should be the same.
A Japanese-language version is available. Compare and contrast the
two of them. Here is a quote from Bob Radlowski of Chicago,
submitted to Josh Noel, then of the Chicago
Tribune, which describes the area:
I have been
on some of the biggest public transportation systems - London,
Paris, New York - but I have never seen a transit system like
Tokyo's. Your initial impression when looking at the transit map
is that it's a plate of spaghetti, but spend a little time with it,
and you'll realize what a thing of beauty it is. Clean, fast, and
efficient, you can get anywhere in a metropolitan area of 30-plus
million people in less than half an hour. It's a reason in itself
to visit Tokyo.
This is a weblog of Mark McDermott. It was previously hosted
on Chicagonow before that platform was discontinued.
It orbits around the craft beer scene in metropolitan Chicago.
This is a dynamic W-WW page which currently attempts to denote
which beers are available at both on-premise and off-premise venues
in numerous U.S.A. cities. Alcohol by Volume (ABV) levels and prices
for each are annotated. Beers and breweries may be sought. I send you
directly to the Chicago main page. If you register, it allows you to
make tasting notes for each beer you have. You need to turn on JavaScript|ActiveX®, and accept cookies. There is also a forum here.
Beer Me! is a W-WW beer site maintained by Richard
Stueven, who is a brewmaster at the Gottberg Brew Pub in Columbus,
Nebraska. This site is the most complete source of brewery and beer
information available on the Internet.
If you collect beer coasters, labels, crowns, neon signs,
glasses or steins, bottles, or cans, or are interested in the
history of breweries, join the A.B.A. I am member #1727. The
Association has merged with the East Coast Breweriana Association.
The 2025 A.B.A. Convention will be on 10-14 June in Mars, PA.
(near Pittsburgh).
This was formerly the Brewers' Association [link]. The B.A.
became big enough that it had to lay off people when
its finances withered {oops} now needs multiple W-WW sites
for each wing. This is the wing aimed at people who are not
necessarily homebrewers, but enjoy savoring craft beers, either
on- or off-premise. I continue to encourage you to join the
American Homebrewers' Association to take advantage of the
"A.H.A. Member Deals" program.
The Chicago Beer Society has been around for forty years.
In this span, the universe of beer has greatly transformed (and it
may be transforming again); and much of that transformation can be
traced directly to its members. Membership costs $25.00 | year. It
is an organization for both homebrewers and beer enthusiasts with
events occurring every month in the metropolitan Chicago area.
Here is the first draft of a wiki-styled page which will
purportedly collate all the frequently asked questions sent to the
Chicago Beer Society [c.v.] E-Mail listserv; so that the same
query does not have to be made again.
This is a World-Wide Web site which began in 2010, and has
gradually expanded into reviews, reporting, and beer-orbiting
advocacy. It offers a weekly E-Mail which you may find intriguing.
I had difficulty determing where to put this link. Yard-Social is
a suburban organization committed to increase awareness of
metropolitan Chicago's transit systems to make it more fun.
It believes sustainable suburbs which maintain their local
community feel despite being infested by soulless subdivisions,
chain fast food restaurants, and big box stores in massive parking
lots, are where the future resides. This is its user-compiled
map of beerworthy venues along Metra rail's ten commuter train lines
in northeastern Illinois.
This organization was founded in December 2010. Its mission is to
inform craft beer geeks about the events and locations around the city
and surrounding suburbs. The main beer geek (Nik White) is Black.
However, this blog has been mostly set aside for a Patreon account.
In another glaring gaffé, I left this venue off the list
for way too long. {People could contact me to inform about a
venue which deserves consideration.} It is a store at 3173 N.
Elston Ave. (the triangular corner of Belmont, California, &
Elston) which began as a package shop in 2013. Christopher
Quinn (& Margaret) expanded to include a taproom (20 taps)
in 2017. It features numerous craft beers which do not get much
distribution in metropolitan Chicago. It has a frequent buyer club
you can join which does not require you to download an app to a
mobile telephone. C. Quinn also hosts the Beer Temple
This is at 1612 W. Irving Park Road (@ Ashland). It began in
January 2000. It is a Black-owned business. It offers a
curated list of beers both on draft and packaged, as well as
cocktails. It is a dim, quiet venue with no televisions, but it
has free wi-fi (from Astound | RCN, not Xfinity or AT&T). It
also has a photobooth.
Delilah's, at Lincoln, Diversey, and Racine on Chicago's
north side, is the tavern which is as loony and eclectic as me. It
scores on multiple levels (beer | whisk(e)y | music | movies).
In 2019, it was proclaimed the "Best Whiskey Bar in the
World". Mike Miller is the proprietor. I hope,
but I doubt, that the metropolitan area where you live has a tavern
as enthralling as Delilah's, which has been around for 31½
years. (The edifice has been a bar since 1894.)
Sheffield's is the superb craft beer bar closest to Wrigley
Field. It is @ Sheffield and School Sts. There are three bars. It
has also developed a solid repertory of barbeque cuisine.
If you are on a tight layover, and can visit only one craft
beer bar in Chicago, I recommend Hopleaf. It is at 5148 N. Clark St.,
near Ashland Ave. and Foster Ave. It was ranked #1 in the world
(2023) by the readers of CraftBeerBrew. There are three
bars. The ones on the first floor have more draft selections than
the one on the second floor. Belgian-inspired foodstuffs are also
available. The proprietors are Michael Roper and Louise Molnar.
This is a small, quiet bar @ 3135 W. Montrose Ave. Its owners
emigrated from Australia years ago. The aura of it would seemingly
be Australian, but since I've never been there, I cannot be definitive.
It is a very good venue. It does not serve food, but you can bring
it in or look at the nearby restaurants' menus.
This tavern, shoehorned into an old manufacturing district of
Chicago [at 1354 W. Wabansia], features good beers and enthralling
live music acts. It is a 2½-block walk north-northwest from the
Throop bus stop on North Ave., east of Elston Ave.
This is a bar on the northwest side of Chicago at 6154 N.
Milwaukee Ave. Its foodstuffs are good. It offers a spectrum of
beers on draft at lower than average prices. It has a rooftop
patio. I have been slow to acknowledge the venues west of the
abode which I have visited. In the case of the Garage, the snag
is that this part of the City of Chicago is served only by Pace
transit, albeit the advanced Pulse bus rapid transit mode.
Here is an intriguing bar on Chicago's south side. The address (960
W. 31st St.) had been a package liquor store for the past quarter-century.
Mike and Ed Marszewski rehabbed the rear portion to include a
seating bar. All the brews on tap are solid craftbeers (& not just
Marz's). "Kimski" provides its food service. In 2018,
Chicago magazine proclaimed it "The best bar in
Chicago". The CTA route #62 Archer bus, which has owl service,
is within three blocks of here (walk north-northwest).
Here is a great music and beer venue in Chicago. It has at its
core an eclectic booking policy which traverses all musical
genrés. There is a photobooth on the premises. It also has a
luscious cat named "Peg" {a Steely Dan [c.v.]
This is the concern which everybody in Chicago was awaiting back
in 2010. Its production brewery is at 3340 N. Kedzie Ave.
Revolution's beers were exported to Japan (including venues where I
have been [c.v.]). Its brewpub location on N. Milwaukee Ave. was
closed in December 2024.
This is a brewery which has both a taproom and a packaging
location. Its brewmaster is John Laffler. The taproom, dubbed
"The Mousetrap", is at 1460 N. Kingsbury Ave. It is
strictly walk-ins, and allows patrons to bring in food from outside
venues. The packaging location is further west at 3925 W.
Dickens Ave.
Here is a brewery with an amazing story. Its proprietors, Beejay
Oslon and Gerrit Lewis, met while working at a Chicago package liquor
store. They went to Belgium and worked at the De Struise Brewery. When
they returned to Chicago, U.S.A., they formulated a business plan. It
ultimately hinged on a Kickstarter project. It raised its goal. Its
main production brewery is at 3912 W. McLean Ave. (Near Pulaski and
Lake Effect Brwg. is shadowed because its W-WW page has not been
updated in a long time. This is a brewery which has taken up a
spot in an under-represented part of Chicago for breweries and beer
bars. It is at 6186 N. Northwest Hwy. (@ Sayre Ave.) Getting there
on transit is straight-forward, but getting back from there after
22:00 hours shall involve a walk toward Harlem Ave., and if later,
to the Harlem Blue Line L station.
This is a brewery which was founded in 2012. Its taproom @ 2024
W. Balmoral Ave. in Chicago is next door to Half Acre's brewery. Its
beers originally had snarky brand names. My favorite beer from it is
God Damn Pigeon Porter. It is fine to visit Half Acre next door; but
I have not been feeling the warmth from it the last times I was there.
Dovetail is a brewery that is very close to the Brown Line
L's Irving Park station, as well as Begyle Brwg. [c.v.]
Its goal is to produce beer of the highest quality similar to the
level of craftsmanship found in fine woodworking. It merges
continental European styles and techniques with American creativity
to produce the kind of beers found in small, family-run breweries
in Europe. Dovetail's reputation has been spreading world-wide.
Here is a community supported brewery with a tap room.
It wanted to use the name "Argyle", but was
delivered a cease and desist order from Japan's
Kirin Brewery conglomerate citing its use as a wine
brand it was offering (It is a winery in Oregon. Do people know
it is actually owned by Kirin?).
This is on the southeast corner of Randolph and Halsted Sts.
near Greektown in central Chicago. Peter Crawley is its
director of fermentation. It has a frequent drinker program
called Local 737 It is the home for Chicago's
Drinking and Writing Theater. The distributing brewery is
in Bridgman, MI.
This is a suburban brewery in Downers Grove, IL. in an
industrial plaza near the Metra BNSF train line's Downers Grove -
Fairview Ave. station. (The line runs from downtown Chicago
to Aurora.) The brewery's antecedents go back to 1830s Krakow
(then in the Austro-Hungarian Empire) It has three core beers,
all lagers. It strives to be the type of brewery you can
rely on to produce beers consistently batch after batch. Its
beers are attracting world-wide attention and commendation.
This is a brewery which began brewing in 2013 in central Chicago.
It outgrew its space and moved to 6343 Gross Point Rd. in Niles, IL.,
but effectively across the street from Chicago [The pedestrian route
from a transit stop is tricky and convoluted - you stroll through
parking lots which are not its property.]. It brews Belgian-styled
pale ales, American Wild Ales, and via its affiliate, American-styled
Double IPAs and Imperial Stouts. It also features BBQ cuisine.
It could use some business; as it has had to retreat back to
This is a WordPress® weblog maintained by Joel and Jeremy. Its
goal is to enhance the community of craft beer enthusiasts so that more
people get to experience great beer and the people who make it. It aims
to be the definitive online resource for locating breweries that craft
beer drinkers love.
I love close-ups. Here are some close-ups you would not expect to view.
This site features photographs taken through an optical microscope of some
of the world's most famous beers.
This is the World-Wide Web gateway to Jason & Todd Alström's
network which strives to give beer consumers a voice. I am no
longer posting here, due to its communication restrictions
(mentioning other W-WW sites). My beer-involving posts will appear
on other fora such as LTHF, FlyerTalk, and Skyscraper City [c.v.].
However, I shall not disable or delete my account.
The fabled publication assets were purchased by John Holl and
Andy Crouch. The magazine was first published in 1979. What
is now available here bolsters its reputation as a trusted and
cherished information source. It is committed to providing engaging
and in-depth articles and interviews covering every aspect of brewing.
I was published here in Summer 1993.
This is a beer weblog by Jeff Alworth. From a modest
start in 2006, it has been augmented with deeply-reported pieces
and detailed descriptions of beer and brewing techniques, industry
analyses, meditations on culture, discussions of beer's rich history,
and more. It has been cited three times by the North American Guild
of Beer Writers as one of the best blogs on the World-Wide Web.
Despite its domain name, this is a W-WW site covering beer,
spirits, and venturing into content not necessarily associated with
wine. There are articles as well featuring travel destinations, but
it should be in this rubric. It also has a podcast.
This gentleman does not want you to know his name. Which of
course, I absolutely understand. However, it is John Duffy.
{A "Hat Tip" to Jeff Alworth at Beervana [c.v.]
for the revelation.} He is married, and resides in Dublin. Before
the COVID-19 pandemic, he frequently visited continental Europe,
frequenting brewpubs, taverns, and off-licence shops. This beer
weblog has been online since April 2005. It is "Made fresh
from only four natural ingredients: Beer, opinion, travel, and
unspeakable puns". He has an affiliated blog "Stash
Killer!" in which he drinks beers from his attic.
From the above link, I landed on this beer weblog by Alistair
Reece. He is an expatriot Brit now living in Virginia, U.S.A. He
has been blogging since April 2008.
This is a beer weblog by Paul Bailey. He was a member of CAMRA
for 45 years before resigning in 2019. He is married. They live in
Kentish Weald, U.K. They operated an off-licence shop for six years.
He is a beer judge and a homebrewer. He began this weblog in November
2008. I especially appreciate his posts because he also likes to ride
transit (buses & trains) to beerworthy venues. Without trying to
sound rude, I believe they are the same age as me (judging by the
mentions of the transit pass they now possess).
This is a beerblog by Jessica Boak and Ray Bailey {no relation
to Paul [c.v.]}. They scribe especially about beer and pubs. They
reside in Bristol, U.K. This blog was begin in 2007.
This is a beer weblog by Ronald Pattinson, who is an
historian studying commercial brewing methods. He is a member of the
British Guild of Beer Writers. He began blogging in June 2007.
Similar to the Trolley Dodger [c.v.]; he tries to make money by
publishing books featuring historic brewery recipes. I met him when
he visited Chicago in October 2022. He resides in Amsterdam, Holland.
Here is a corollary beer blog by R. Pattinson. He describes and
reviews beerworthy venues in several European countries. However, it
seemingly was last revised in 2017, judging by the copyright sentence
at the foot of this W-WW page.
This is a beerblog by Alan McLeod. He is the author of five
books on beer, including the contemporary "Empire Beer",
a history of brewing in New York state. This blog has been online
since October 2004.
This is a WordPress beerblog by Martin. He writes about places,
pubs, people, and new music. He posts very frequently. You will also
see him replying on some of the other beerblogs I list here.
This is a beer weblog by Nick C. I have added him to this
bookmark page because he lists his interests as "Pubs 'n'
eer, off-kilter music, and second division {soccer}". He
explores the real ale pubs and craft beer bars of Oxford, U.K.
There are other primarily U.K.-based beer bloggers whose posts I
read, but to which I do not link because they still view pubs
as places where they should be able to smoke tobacco, and not
have to intercourse with diverse people. Their blogposts and
replies to other blogposts reflect those attitudes.
This is the World-Wide Web site of the legendary Homebrew Digest
E-Mail list. It is a U.S.A.-based 501(c)(3) educational charity
maintained by Pat Babcock & Karl Lutzen. If you prowl its
archives, you can find here one of my first ever E-Mail messages,
sent to here back in July 1994. (When I was using a
Commodore 64 on an Amiga BBS.) I break out of the frame for you.
This is a beer review World-Wide Web site by John Staradumsky. He
lives in Canton, GA. {not Ohio}, a suburb of Atlanta. He has
been reviewing beers since the 20th Century. His site lets you focus
on specific beers, breweries, beer style, etc. I cannot deduce how he
wound up with two domain names for the website.
My favorite Milwaukee brewery is Russ and Jim Klisch's Lakefront
Brwy. I especially like Eastside Dark. Its brewery tour is
well-acclaimed. It is located on Commerce St., northeast of downtown.
You need to turn on JavaScript|ActiveX®.
The August Schell Brewing Company has been operating in New Ulm,
MN. since 1860. I toured there in 2010. It brews some of the
finest beers in the entire U.S.A. It is the prime example why small,
regional breweries which also devote part of their production
capacities to "contract beers" must not be allowed to go
out of business. I will do everything I can to ensure that this does
not happen.
This is the long name of the Schlafly Brewpub, St. Louis' largest
American-owned brewery. When I visit St. Louis, I wind up spending
some time at one of its two locations (The brewpub near downtown, or
the Bottleworks in Maplewood.). I love its beers; I agree with
most of the viewpoints expressed by Tom Schlafly; and this World-Wide
Web site regularly makes me smile and chuckle.
This is a booster club for the U.S.A. National Soccer Teams (both
Men's & Women's). A year's membership is $30. Membership provides
perks like the ability to obtain tickets to matches in the same
section as other members, as well as discounts on apparel and airfares.
I can recommend joining this organization.
F.I.F.A. is the most significant organization on the
planet. It is the administrator overseeing all the efforts of its
member associations which operate in soccer [football]. Its mission
is to reach out and touch the world, using football as a symbol of
hope and integration. This W-WW site is available in English,
French, Español, and German.
CONCACAF is the confederation, similar to UEFA [Europe],
overseeing its member nations in this hemisphere. This includes the
U.S.A. Its prestige event is the CONCACAF Gold Cup,
held every two years in the odd-numbered years. It also presents
annually the CONCACAF Champions' League®, whose winner
qualify for the F.I.F.A. Club World Cup in December. A
Spanish-language version of this W-WW site is available.
Here is the official site of the United States Soccer Federation.
The U.S.S.F. affiliated itself with F.I.F.A. in 1913. Besides all the
National Team programs, its marquee event is the annual Lamar
HuntU. S. Open Cup Tournament.
This was the swiftest I have ever added a bookmark to this page.
It has lots of articles about the sports which do not command a
plethora of media attention: I.E.; the minor leagues.
This is the official W-WW page for the M. A. S. L..
It has twenty teams across the U.S.A. and Mexico. It is an affiliated
member of the World Minifootball Federation (WMF).
This is the W-WW page of the Chicago MUSTANGS M. A. S. L.
2 franchise. The team's owner is Armando Gamboa. The franchise
play their home games in the Sears Centre in northwest exurban Hoffman
Estates. {Hoffman Estates is closer to Elgin than Chicago.}
The U.S.A. has a National Soccer Hall of Fame in Frisco, TX.
(near Dallas). This site has data about its inductees. {Its
physical location was in Oneonta, New York until 2010.}
Four Four Two, created in England in 1994, is the world's biggest
soccer magazine, published in 17 markets. Its mission is to offer
intelligent, international audience access to the game's biggest names,
insightful analysis, and a bit of a giggle. It unashamedly loves this
game and hopes its coverage reflects that.
This somewhat obscure site orbits around the players on the U.S.A.
Men's and Women's National Teams. It has a good array of articles,
games, puzzles, playing tips, coaching tips, and other support
functions for soccer boosters in the U.S.A. There is also a message
forum for which you may register.
This is a World-Wide Web site featuring the funniest, cutest, and
some very amazing cat pictures. If you opt to register, you may also
rate the pictures.
Here's a good W-WW site with lots of information and resources
for cat lovers. You can even obtain a semi-anonymous E-Mail account
ending in "" (which would probably
be bounced by Barracuda).
Quimby's is Chicago's most comprehensive zine store. Many of the
zines which I read are obtained here. It mails zines within the U.S.A.
(International postage rates are now exorbitant.)
This is the organization which defends illustrators of comic
books (or graphic novels) and the stores which sell them. Some
judges and juries have convicted comic book store owners for
selling a comic book labelled for "adults only" to an
adult.(!) More recently, individuals have been indicted for
possessing illustrations (hand-drawn or computer-generated) of
an underage person in a sexual situation. If
the idea is to prohibit objects which can be used to try to
convince a real-life underage person to commit a lewd
act, it would seem you also need to restrict or criminalize
chocolate, soda, bubble gum, and ice cream. ("Hey little
girl, want some candy?") Is barring illustrations really
effective? I can't envision Hershey, Nestlé, Coca-Cola,
and Pepsi allowing their products to be so circumscribed.
{Oops. The epidemic of obesity and diabetes in the U.S.A.
is having an effect on the sales and marketing of sugar-sweetened
beverages, including Coca-Cola and Pepsi, especially to juveniles.
Many authorities are imposing a tax, or considering one, on those
beverages. Consumer Reports [c.v.] is on record that weaning
people off sugar-sweetened beverages will dictate an effort similar
to that used to minimize cigarette consumption.}
These are the Berne Convention purveyors to which I
refer on my "Adult-Oriented" bookmark page. Here is an
organization which manages to scarf up rare, out-of-print, and
lost cult videos on DVD. Its prices are low.
Cinefear is Keith J. Crocker's video service, orbiting around
1960s and 1970s horror and exploitation movies, both from the
U.S.A. and internationally. "Exploitation Journal"
was dedicated to the serious study of it. Issues of it are being
presented @ Keith J.'s most
recent movie was "Blitzkrieg: Escape From Stalag 69".
From browsing a movie weblog, this is a purveyor which still
seems to be in business. It is located in Silver Spring, MD. It also
offers posters, stills, lobby cards (U.S. and Mexican), and celebrity
posters and photographs. Movies are $12.00 each for full packaging,
or $10.00 for the bare DVD-R.
Video Screams is a members only archival and transfer service
offering rare, hard-to-find, and out-of-print films from all
over the globe. It specializes in obscure horror, gore, sci-fi,
schlock, and just plain bizarre movies, on both videocassette and
DVD. Collectable books, posters, and pressbooks are also
This is Steven Puchalski's "Shock Cinema"
website. "Shock Cinema" is a magazine, published
twice a year, which reviews some of the most bizarre, illusive films
ever made. It is a superb read. I recommend subscribing to it ($30
for four issues).
Screem Magazine is a print magazine orbiting around horror
movies, although it sways into other genrés. Darryl
Mayeski is the editor. I subscribe to this magazine, and can
recommend you doing so ($48.00 for four issues).
This is a podcast hosted by Mike White. TPB is a comprehensive
W-WW site exploring movies. The podcasts (some of which are four hours
long) are interviews of people involved with that week's movie, or in
the case of vintage movies, those who re-introduced people to them.
I had difficulty determining where to place this link. I
elected to choose here because it links to podcasts in all
genrés, not merely craft beer, which is what I was
downloading. Additional facilities are available if you
register here. I am registered here. You need to turn on
JavaScript|ActiveX® to fully utilize this site.
Cinema Treasures is the world's largest guide to movie theaters.
It is passionate about movie theaters, and going to the movies. It
strives to be a comprehensive guide to movie theaters. This includes
current theaters, and countless numbers of defunct theaters,
including those which at some point in their life showed explicit
erotica. (They became skindependent theatres.) It has
been on-line since 2000. However, the "news" section
has not effectively been updated since September 2017.
This is a weblog by Dave B. He is a film geek. His
mission was to view and report on 2,500 movies on DVD. He began in
2010, and finally finished in November 2018! He resumed reporting
in March 2019. He views all genrés, including some which
would go on my adult bookmark page. [Some images may be NSFW.] He
is a co-host of two movie podcasts.
This is Heather Drain's World-Wide Web site. She is a writer
who flexes between the worlds of esoterica film, wild music,
heart-born words, and prose that is dark, rich, quirky, and often
undefinable. In the nonfiction realm, her work has appeared on
the print and digital pages of Dangerous Minds, Diabolique, Video
Watchdog, Art Decades, Rue Morgue, etc. She has also been a guest
on a number of podcasts, including the Projection Booth [c.v.].
While looking up data on a B-movie, I landed on this
weblog page. Our bloggess is a transgendered Canadian female residing
in Toronto, ONT. She has reviewed quite a number of movies, in a
manner similar to that of DVD Infatuation [c.v.]. She hasn't
posted since May 2021, but since she follows one hundred and
fifty-seven other movie weblogs, I leave her on here. {Click through
to her profile to view them.}
This is a movie weblog with a roster of persons, including Greg
Goodsell, reviewing contemporary DVD (and BluRay®) releases of
previously-issued movies. The reviews are thorough.
This is a movie weblog by somebody who grew up in the Toledo,
OH. area in the 1970s. It is mainly a blog about interesting films
through the years with some background information about them.
While I went to indoor theaters [hardtops] looking for
erotic presentations, he went to a bunch of drive-ins in both
Toledo and Detroit, MI., mainly in the early 1980s, and saw just
about anything. He has enriched his blog posts with newspaper
listings showing where the movies played. He takes breaks from
here to concentrate on other social media W-WW sites. However, he
has not made a blog post since August 2022.
This is a useful W-WW site with numerous files of subtitles of
movies and television shows in a spectrum of languages which can be
loaded into your media player.
This W-WW site has a dual orbit. It promotes a twice-annual movie
and memorabilia exposition by Ken & Pam Kish, in
Strongsville, OH. [a suburb of Cleveland]; of which I have attended a
bunch, and always had an intriguing experience. There will be another
Wasteland exposition on 4 - 6 April 2025. Its other
orbit is the sales of DVDs, posters, and trading cards of movies, at
prices lower than other purveyors.
This is where Jon Kitley expounds on horror movies. He has gotten
quite deep into this. He had a featured article about him in the
"Best of Chicago 2021" issue of the Chicago Reader.
He is a staff writer for "HorrorHound" magazine. He
won a Rondo Award for that. His latest book is
"Discover The Horror". He seeks to educate, expand,
and entertain his browsers' knowledge of the horror genré. He
lives in Aurora, IL.
Here is a World-Wide Web site which requests some tolerance
from you. It contains information about known scenes from
movies, television series, and newsreels with underage
actors and actresses that may now be considered offensive or
unacceptable. There are no images or videos hereupon. The
information is collated from IMDb, Wikipedia, Children in Cinema,
Youth in Cinema, and Children in Media.
I should not have to explain too much about this troupe. So I won't.
This World-Wide Web site is comprehensive, accurate, and
includes the dead parrotloony.
Have I mentioned I am the chairperson of the Chicago chapter of the
"Society For Putting Things On Top Of Other Things"?
This is a weblog by Skip, who is an atheist in Madison, WI.
He is married, and they have a cat. He began blogging in
September 2003, and has been consistent throughout all these years.
The entries touch on several interests with which I share.
I should have had this on here a while ago. Roger Baylor was
the head brewer at New Albanian Brwg. in southwest Indiana for about
twenty-four years. He was way ahead of the curve as being socially
and politically active in left-of-center beliefs and causes. He
left the brewery to run for public office. He lost. The Beer
Hunter Michael Jackson, described him as a polemicist.
This is a multi-faceted weblog by Tony Forder. When Ale Street
News quit publication in 2019 after its advertisers went away, T.
Forder had other interests into which he could delve. He presents
them here. The weblog strives to be a virtual
café to relax and inspire you with art therapy.
This is an absolutely comprehensive clearinghouse of the animated
television show "The Simpsons". This site has guides,
news, and information. It is where to head if you have any queries.
This is a World-Wide Web blog with multiple authors remarking
about animated cartoons, both theatrical and made-for-television.
It goes beyond those made by Disney and Warner Bros.
The Music Box Theatre on Chicago's north side is one which is not
afraid to show films which have bypassed the Motion Picture Association
of America's rating system. With the increasing concentration of
ownership of movie theatres by large corporate entities, theatres like
the Music Box are very important.
Mr. Lloyd Kaufman, the President of Troma, has been involved
in filmmaking-on-the-cheap for over fifty years. Check this W-WW
site regularly for new releases and specials. Net
Neutrality is again an issue for the Internet; but the battle
has also encountered a threat from mega-entertainment media
conglomerates like Sony, Disney, and Universal to enact
legislation in the U.S.A. and enact secret treaties
in other countries, which would effectively lock down creative
endeavors in the visual arts solely to the output from these
mega-entertainment media conglomerates. {There would be
cease and desist and Internet takedown orders if one
of the megas felt an independent media project infringed on its
copyright. The independent media project's producer would have to
spend more of its time and its limited funds defending itself in
a courtroom than in making and presenting the media. So the
independent media would not be released, and the megas would
retain their 99% share of the market, which is their main intent.
An example: The story of "Cinderella" is in the
public domain, but Disney will sue anyone attempting to make a
movie depicting it. Copyrights need to expire at some point.
They have been manipulated into eternal cash cows for entities only
tangentially responsible for them, not the original individual(s)
who created them.
I had difficulty determining where to place this link. Via the
Internet Archive [c.v.], this is the actual software program which
operated Data East | Bally®'s BurgerTime
arcade game, originally released in 1982. This is my all-time
favorite video game. It runs only in Firefox (and Chrome®).
JavaScript must be enabled. After it completely loads [The
Copyright screen appears.], hit the Tab key on your
keyboard to access the game's DIP switches. You can then change
the game's settings for number of lives, at which point level you
earn another life, and giving you an additional Pepper for
completing each Stage. During game play, hitting the
"P" key pauses | resumes the game. (My highest score so
far = 261,500 [Stage 15].)
This is a superb W-WW site which was personally recommended to me
one Saturday evening at the Twisted Spoke. It is a repository of
posters and lobby cards for a vast spectrum of motion pictures. It
has special sections for selected movies and performers.
JavaScript|ActiveX® is needed if you wish to use the 'Search'
Live Journal was dumped back in June 2007 for
capitulating to a gang of vigilantés; effectively turning a cold
shoulder to free expression on the World-Wide Web. The underlying
reason: The bean-counters hoping for a buyout of the
corporation figured whomever took over would not be able to place
advertisements on Live Journal pages where a
weblogger expressed controversial viewpoints. It
solved the problem by "permanently
suspending" the webloggers expressing those controversial
viewpoints. (Having a Paid or Permanent Account did not save them.
If anything; since Live Journal knows it will never
get another dollar from a Permanent Account holder, it has every
incentive to find an excuse to get rid of that account.) This
is Insane Journal, another weblog service utilizing the Xanga
interactive free source software. "Squeaky", the major
domo behind Insane Journal, has gone on record that he will only
remove content from a person's weblog if he is presented with a
genuine order from a legal entity.
This has good technical information on setting up your computer
(regardless of operating system) to use the software. The links along
the left side of the screen contain additional information.
Hash House Harriers are people who compete in a foot rally, and whom
afterward consume lots of beer and comeraderie. They are "The
drinking club with a running problem."
All the proxy judges to which I link are version 2.35.
AnonyLevel 1 is the most secure. What is most important is
whether your actual Internet Protocol [I. P.]
Address is displayed anywhere on the output screen.
If you know of any more version 2.35 proxy judges, please
contact me. This is a numeric I. P.
Address judge. In all modern browsers, the HTTP_DNT
[Do Not Track] variable, when implemented, lowers a Level 1 or
Level 2 [elite] proxy into Level 3 or Level 4.
If you investigate "about:config", you can toggle
noscript.doNotTrack.enabled to false to
re-raise your level. There is a browser variable,
HTTP_UPGRADE_INSECURE_REQUESTS, which is a solid privacy
measure, but it will lower an elite proxy into
Level 3 or Level 4. Suffice that as long as your I. P.
Address does not appear on the result page when you
test your proxy - it is a servicable proxy. You need
check your proxy against only one of these judges.
Due to the Tor Project [c.v.], browser-based anonymous
proxies now stay active much longer than they did
previously. If you search for proxy judges via
Google, clicking on "Cached" on the
result screen will show you the information about the bot(s)
Google uses to spider the World-Wide Web. [white on
pale blue] []
This URL did not resolve numerically. The CGI code which was used
to create these proxy judges was scribed by someone in Japan. Proxy
judges consume a goodly amount of CPU time on a server. If a series of
judge requests occur, it slows the response time for other W-WW pages
hosted thereupon. This is another reason webhosts prohibit them.
[black on white]
This is an older proxy judge. I opt to present it here because
of the paucity of v2.35 proxy judges. It displays the information you
need to know about your I. P. address. [white on black]
I have added environment checkers here. All are version 1.04, and
black on white. The presumption is that they are just as accurate as
determining whether you are anonymous as a cgi-bin proxy judge, but are
not as intensive a use of CPU time on a host server. began interjecting a Google URL into its
anonymizer; such that it would appear Google was the referrer.
I have replaced it with, which does not. This is an
interstitial screen which is useful when you want to visit, or send
traffic to, a World-Wide Web site which you do not want the site
to know from where it was linked. It can be used dynamically by
prefacing the "https://" in the destination URL [and you
must include the destination URL's "https://" in your
text] with "".
I have resorted the order of the W-WW sites which offer lists of
anonymous proxies. I found this W-WW proxy site through It
is sorted by latency, and has a dynamic function which you can use to
refine your proxy selection. A column identifies if the proxy supports
TLS. It is available in six languages. A WHOIS link for each proxy is
also included. Why should you configure an anonymous proxy in
your W-WW browser? A vocal minority always claims that you
must be doing something illegal if you prefer to remain
anonymous. There will always be those who abuse certain privileges or
liberties, but those few cannot be allowed to ruin an entitlement for
the overwhelming percentage of people who do not abuse it. There
are many factors why privacy is important. First: There are repressive
governments that forbid access to certain sites, censor the World-Wide
Web, and then monitor users who show interest in particular topics.
[E.G.: Somebody in the U.S.A. researching pregnancy termination
providers.] Second: There are people who want to tell the truth without
fear of repercussion, such as corporate whistle-blowers and bloggers.
Third: There are intelligence needs, in both corporate and government
sectors. Fourth: An on-line stalker could pinpoint the precise
community where his | her prey resides by deciphering that user's
I. P. Address. (Many internet service providers in the
U.S.A., in particular cable television corporations, put their host
server's city and state in the REMOTE_HOST variable. Most broadband
internet users can never change their I. P. Address.
Finally: We live in an age where our personal and private
data, including names, identity characteristics, telephone numbers,
dates of birth, credit reports, buying habits, demographics, and
surfing tendencies are traded like commodities. When I
want to let a W-WW site know who and from where I am, I disengage the
anonymous proxy. Otherwise, it is not entitled to that information.
Our webmaster is still trying to get you to purchase a private
proxy list from him. But he is being more low-key about it. First
of all: It is wrong to try and charge for something which is available
elsewhere for free. Secondly: It is difficult to remain anonymous when
purchasing something on-line. If you actually used
Paypal to pay for a list of proxies, when a
governmental agency, or private organization subpoenas
Paypal, it will demand the credit card numbers
associated with the accounts. Paypal will
provide that to it. Credit card numbers lead directly to your front
door. So much for anonymity.
This is a Japanese World-Wide Web site which tests a bunch of
proxies every hour. I send you to a page where you can select from
which country you want to use. It is one matter to have a proxy
from a specific country. However, if the proxy in that country is
registered to (for example) an elementary or middle school;
or the R.I.A.A. or M.P.A.A. [these are referred to as
"honeypot" proxies]; you will still be filtered from some
W-WW sites, and monitored wherever you surf. I would discard that
proxy and test the next one on the list.
There are numerous options for obtaining browser-based proxy
servers here. I send you to the anonymous free proxy wing. Our
webmaster also offers a private proxy list for sale, but I
discommend that. You need to turn on JavaScript|ActiveX®.
This has been pushed down on the list because it has seemingly not
checked for free proxies since 10 December 2023. You need to
turn on JavaScript|ActiveX® to view the port numbers of the proxies.
If you are interested in a VPN, this World-Wide Web site displays
the most frequently selected providers. It is searchable on several
variables. The most significant aspect to selecting a VPN is in
which country is it hosted; considering how difficult it is for
an agency to compel the VPN provider to release identifing information
about a user. Because, if you use a credit card to obtain a VPN, that
VPN would have to provide your identification to the inquiring
operation. So a VPN is not entirely anonymous. Apple iOS
users take notice: If you are using an iOS device (iPhone, iPad) then
it is certain that the VPN is not working. This is a long story that
boils down to not trusting any VPN on iOS because they all leak data
outside the VPN tunnel. In March 2020, Proton [c.v.] reported Apple
iOS leaks data outside the VPN tunnel, starting with iOS version
13. M. Horowitz [c.v.] blogged about this in May 2022. This report was
picked up by Ars Technica on 17 August 2022 and went viral. Only then
did Apple reply, stating its OS was "Performing as
expected". This is not fully protecting its users.
VPN providers are in a rough spot. If they go public with this,
they may lose customers to VPN providers that say nothing. Apple is too powerful for nearly anybody to
compel it to do something it does not want to do.
This is a combination VPN provider and World-Wide Web blog
which delves into the deeper matter of a VPN. It recognizes that
a VPN provider very frequently overstates what it does in order
to sell its service to non-technical Internet surfers. With an
increasing number of VPN providers being invested in (if not
outright bought) by vertically integrated corporations seeking to
enrich their income by obtaining and monetizing whatever data they
can harvest from their users, this W-WW site is significant.
This is a World-Wide Web browser add-on from the Electronic
Frontier Foundation [c.v.]. It learns to block invisible third-party
trackers from secretly tracking where you go and what pages you look
at. It does not block an advert unless it happens to be tracking
you. It is an algorithmic tracker blocker: It defines what
tracking looks like, and then blocks or restricts domains
that it observes tracking in the wild. What is and isn't considered a
tracker is entirely based on how a specific domain acts, not on human
judgment. It is available in eight languages (including Chinese).
This is a World-Wide Web site in which the janitor expounds
on how to reclaim your privacy (both online and in the real
world), stop censorship, and maintain online security. As he
astutely scribes, "It is no conspiracy that big tech
companies are spying on us and gathering as much data as
possible to profit from us in several ways."
Here is a comprehensive World-Wide Web site with detail on
how to maintain a level of privacy on the Internet. The digest
is: Avoid W-WW privacy services (including VPN providers)
hosted in the Fourteen Eyes countries: Australia,
Canada, New Zealand, the United States of America, United Kingdom,
Belgium, Denmark, France, Germany, Italy, Netherlands, Norway,
Spain, and Sweden. While laws exist prohibiting each country
from spying on its own residents, these countries swap
information amongst themselves - i.e.: If the U.S.A. wants to
investigate a U.S. resident, it remits the name of that person
to the surveillence agency of one of the other thirteen countries,
utilizing the magic passphrase
"terrorist", "drug dealer", "child
abuser", or "copyright violator". The other
country does the spying, because there is no law protecting you
from that. The U.S.A. subsequently gets the data.
This is a World-Wide Web site by Shimon Brathwaite explaining
that the spying program dates back to 1943 (World War II).
It has modified since then to decrypt intelligence from the U.S.S.R.
and subsequently identify genuine threats to nations. The snag
which then could arise is that you will be considered a
genuine threat to a nation. To be earnest, the more you delve into
the function of a VPN, the higher the possibility that you can
not rely on one to conceal your on-line activity. Misdirecting
your geographic location, yes. The surveillance alliance is
concentrating on smart phones, because they come
from the phone manufacturer with the backdoors already built-in.
(A security analyst scribed, "The smart phone is the single
most privacy breaching device mankind has ever invented, and most
people accept it because of the convenience (or work requirement)
such a device brings".)
Here is an excellent site giving specific, detailed information (in
two URLs) on how to make yourself less visible to World-Wide Web sites,
Usenet newsgroups, and E-Mail address harvesters, while still browsing,
lurking, and contributing. The digest version: Disable both Java
and JavaScript|ActiveX®. While Java is practically dead,
disabling JavaScript|ActiveX® will break most W-WW
sites. The consequence is installing a Firefox add-on that can
turn it on and off for those W-WW sites.
The Tor Project is free software, and an open network that
helps you defend against a form of network surveillance that
threatens personal freedom and privacy, amongst other things.
It is free and open source. It works only with the
Firefox W-WW browser because other browsers are not open
source, and thus, could hide some monitoring code within.
The situation with WikiLeaks [c.v.] shows that the actual
censors on the World-Wide Web are not merely governments, but
corporations (server hosts and payment processing
I now include PHP and Glype proxies. This is a World-Wide Web
page which collates current W-WW based proxies. The output can be
further refined by the type of proxy, its host country, et cetera.
These proxies bypass most W-WW filters which attempt to keep
you from accessing any number of W-WW sites which somebody deems
I elect to specifically break out a number of them here. This
is Hidester. It also provides a list of browser-based anonymous
proxies if you back parse.
This is SSL Secure Proxy. It offers additional hosts and
locations from where you can appear to be surfing. It is effective
for dealing with downloads from, which
imposes a waiting period on an I. P. Address that
is not from a paid account.
This is 4everproxy. It offers additional hosts and locations
from where you can appear to be surfing. It is also effective
for dealing with downloads from
You don't need a fancy HTML (HyperText Markup Language) suite to
write HTML. This is where I learned HTML. The instructions are
available in twenty-four languages. All my pages are maintained using
regular, old "WordPad®", and utilize the commands
included here.
Here is a Wikipedia page describing W-WW colors. It includes charts
of X11 and web-safe colors, and a depiction how
some of these colors differ in the CSS color scheme.
If you do not need a nearly-infinite color selection, this URL
illustrates the 390 non-dithering colors which adhere to HTML in
their hexadecimal codes. A link to a more expansive color chart is
also present here.
This is a dynamic color selection World-Wide Web site. It is
comprehensive, including palette generators, color pickers, color
charts, and color names. The sliding scale on the right-center can
be used to limit the colors being presented. It also links to
other W-WW sites which have royalty free stock photographs.
You need to turn on JavaScript|ActiveX®. It was designed by
Dixon & Moe.
W3 Schools is a compendium of values and commands which can be used
in HTML and CSS World-Wide Web pages. This sends you to the main page
for colors. Back-parse for more computer languages.
These three URLs were found in moonsliver's Insane Journal [c.v.].
This is an interactive page (requires JavaScript|ActiveX® on) which
outputs the color value (a 216-color webmaster's palette) in both RGB
and hexidecimal. There are four frames on this page.
This is a weblog and forum where designers, both on-line and off,
experiment and present color tableus and palettes. It strives to be a
resource that monitors and influences color trends.
This W-WW site helps one compose a particular color scheme; with
five base sets comparing and contrasting warm, and
cold colors. A drop-down box allows for schemes for
infrequent human vision ailments [e.g.: protanopy].
This site has three, well-thought-out frames. This allows you to
interactively test out text, background, and link colors. You need
to turn on JavaScript|ActiveX®.
Here is a World-Wide Web site which collates over a thousand
free on-line radio stations. You can search on a spectrum
of variables, including by region, country, or radio format. As
it states, its fast and convenient on-line player will open up
the world of radio broadcasting. There is no need to install
special software or pay for the access. You may also register
for it should you want to save your favorite stations. I was
registered here; but since Google has locked me out, I
cannot access my account. I send you to the page with its
genrés annotated. I apologize; but there are just
too many stations worth listening to for me to scribe
here. What I now recommend you doing when you land here is to
choose a genré, then a station which lists its playlist,
and listen to it for awhile. When a song you enjoy, but which
you have not heard in {whenever} plays, click on its
title in the lower frame. This will display all the stations
world-wide which have played this song. Click on a station
listed there to discern what else it plays. This could become
your next favorite station. You need to turn on
JavaScript|ActiveX® to fully utilize this site. Some
stations do not work in Firefox, but do in Brave.
Pandora is a leading music and podcast discovery platform,
providing a highly-personalized listening experience to approximately
70 million users each month. I am registered as a free member. It is
a subsidiary of Sirius XM Holdings Inc.
WFMU has a bunch of solid music programs, and some have
corollary television and | or movie side projects. I have broken
out this URL from the above link so you may more precisely link
to a certain program being broadcast on WFMU.
This is a World-Wide Web site collating a significant number of
recording artists, and playing music associated with them,
without commercial interruption. It is provided by the Uber
Media Group.
This is a World-Wide Web site mostly serving broadcasters of
radio stations, both terrestrial and Internet-based. What may be
of interest to the radio listener are the posts of Sean Ross. He
delves into which songs that were hits now hardly receive any
airplay, and what terrestrial radio stations should do in the wake
of automated and now Artificial Intelligence - directed broadcast
This is another media W-WW site with insights about terrestrial
radio by Fred & Paul Jacobs. Fred Jacobs is the person most
responsible for the Classic Rock radio format. This is
on here to partially illuminate the crisis terrestrial radio is
experiencing. F. Jacobs is expounding data on How many
commercials can you schedule each hour, and how long should each
commercial break last? But the audience appreciating
new music does not want to hear ANY commercials, and if
they were listening to one of the stations he advises,
they tune out at the first moment a commercial plays. There are
hundreds, if not thousands, of internet-based music stations
which have no commercials. F. Jacobs does not recognize
this, because its main business is selling its advice
to these faltering terrestrial radio stations.
Walter Becker & Donald Fagen were musical genii. There was
no musical genré they could not succinctly assuage. They
finally earned both the acknowledgment of their peers in 2000 by
being elected to the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame, and winning four
Grammy® Awards for "Two Against Nature".
This is Jim McKay's original Steely Dan fan internet resource.
It was founded in 1993. A popular venue for Steely Dan fans to chat
is in here, linked from the bluebook rubric. It is a
member of the Steely Dan Webring.
The Jazz Institute of Chicago was founded in 1969 by a small band
of jazz fans, writers, club owners, and musicians who came together
to preserve its historical roots in Chicago. The core belief of the
organization is all forms of the music should be equally represented
in whatever it does. It presents jazz throughout the year in a
spectrum of venues. Its prestige event is the Chicago Jazz
Festival, held in Millennium Park in downtown Chicago around the
beginning of September each year. I am a member of this organization,
and I can recommend it to you even if you are not in metropolitan Chicago.
This is a W-WW site with a peculiar shortened domain name.
It orbits around jazz music on all formats. It includes scores of
musicians and record labels. It has been online since July 2001.
It has a "GNU Free Documentation License".
This site was conceived for fans of the Grateful Dead. Registration
is recommended to post or respond. You need to turn on
JavaScript|ActiveX® to fully utilize this site.
This is a weblog which seeks to identify and illuminate live Grateful
Dead (and band members' side projects) shows that are unknown or poorly
documented. Its webmaster | janitor, Corry342, attended his first Dead
show on 2 July 1967 (@ El Camino Park; Palo Alto, CA.).
This is another weblog orbiting in tandem with Corry342's weblog [c.v.].
In combination, and due to fascinating remembrances of commenters,
substantial information about Grateful Dead concerts have been provided
after years of stagnating in the ozone {or another hazy substance}.
Here is another Grateful Dead weblog I finally discovered. While
new blog posts are scant, there are informative comments being made
on posts going back many years.
You (and I) can spend entire days following the links from the
WFMU Rock & Soul Ichiban blog [c.v.]. For somebody who
had a quote from Frank Zappa on my profile at a sexpositive World-Wide
Web site, to not have a Frank Zappa link here was very derelict.
Information Is Not Knowledge is a comprehensive W-WW site. It
encompasses all of Frank's record career. I splice this in here
from an interview of Frank by Bill Milkowski, from November
[The preceding question
was whether there was a national shift toward the right, to which
Frank answered it was a national shift toward nowhere. It was
toward fake security.(!)] "Is this a phenomenon that
you've noticed taking hold within the past few years?"
Frank: "This year it's really taken a nose dive, since the
Reagan Administration has gotten in. It's frightening. We're
looking at the prelude to the New Dark Ages here. If you know anything
about history, the Dark Ages we're going into now is
gonna make the first one look like a company picnic."
This is a wiki-styled page dedicated to Frank Zappa. Their efforts
are simply nothing more than a fan's efforts to broaden the knowledge
and appreciation of the many works of Frank Zappa.
"Ugly Things" is a huge, thick magazine,
published by Mike Stax, which does not merely orbit; but
digs into the ground to comprehensively explore the music by
underappreciated artists. It was founded to dispense information
about England's "Pretty Things" group [R.I.P. Phil May
& Jon Povey]. Since 1983, it has bloomed into a magazine to
bring wild sounds from past dimensions. It
consistently presents passionate, informed, insightful, in-depth
coverage of overlooked music. I keenly recommend
subscribing to it. It is published three times a year. Visit
here for back issues and other artifacts.
"The Big Takeover" is the pinnacle zine covering
the independent pop music scene. Jack Rabid is the editor. Its
writers care about music, and support the bands and musicians who
pioneer, rather than rest on their laurels, or are thrust at the
public through brainwashing marketing techniques. There is a forum
here for which you may opt to register. I recommend subscribing to
this. Four issue subscriptions (two issues a year) are available for
$24.00. J. Rabid's radio show is available for download from here.
What happens to punk rockers when they get older? It has been
attributed that they read "Razorcake" magazine.
It is a bi-monthly publication, published by a certified non-profit
organization in southern California, which still has a strong spot
for hard-driving music (and politics) which has a resist
message embedded therein. I recommend subscribing to this. A
six-issue subscription costs $23.50. Ask for freebies (7"
records, stickers). I like "Razorcake" enough to donate
to its foundation.
This is the forum affiliated with Steve Hoffman, a mastering
engineer. He was responsible for a number of reissued record albums
when they received a CD release. Members here discuss any number of
components composing a home audio system. The forum is
extremely active. Some threads go pages deep with new responses
in only 24 hours. I am registered here. You need to turn on
JavaScript|ActiveX® to fully utilize this site.
Do you need an answer about a certain record? You would do well
to reference one of Joel Whitburn [R.I.P.]'s tomes. He had
"Billboard" magazine's permission to publish works
based on its charts' data. This W-WW site has a frame.
These five W-WW sites are ones which I found one evening when I
linked from Vee Jay Records' Wikipedia [c.v.] page. If you are not
careful, you can devote hours browsing them (or maybe that is the
point). 45cat is the hub for a spectrum of user-supported W-WW
sites reporting about not only 45 RPM 7" discs, but ~ via its
affiliate [] ~ 78 RPM platters [this site answered
one of my deepest music trivia questions], vinyl albums, 12"
singles, and most other entertainment physical media. {I have been
cataloging my cassettes and vinyl albums on under
"PudgyM".} There is also a forum here with which I am
registered. You need to turn on JavaScript|ActiveX®.
This is ARSA, the Airheads Radio Survey Archive, a
non-profit W-WW site mixing historical value with nostalgia. You can
find tens of thousands of radio station chart surveys with clickable
links for each record listed thereupon. This site is comprehensively
absorbing, as you can trace the records which did not break out
nationally to where they received their airplay and popularity.
(Look at the 1970-75 surveys for WCFL-AM Chicago to note which
decks it played that WLS-AM did not.) You need to register and logon
to get full access to the site (requires JavaScript|ActiveX®
on). There is also a forum here with which I am registered.
This is Music VF. It is a database of 120,000+ U.S.A. and U.K.
music hits since 1900. It collates multiple charts of the U.S.A.
You can search by artist name or a song title; or browse the charts
by artist, year, or decade.
This is a W-WW site which won an award from
(!) as one of the best on the Internet when reviewed for quality,
accuracy of content, presentation and usability back in 2000.
It has continued on to the present day concentrating on
infrequently investigated stereo 7"-single records from the
1950s. From this, it expanded to discographies of record labels,
and from there to the stories about many of those labels.
Obviously, this is an epic {oops} which is impossible to fathom ever
reaching its end objective, but what has been provided to date is
engrossing. The site is webmastered by Mike Callahan. Read the
terms of use [TOU], and its frequently asked questions [FAQ].
This W-WW site is dedicated to soul music and the
discographies of the artists who recorded it. Its webmaster is
located in the United Kingdom. It features both the contemporary
Northern Soul scene, and its past history.
This site's mission is to seek out the best music being made today
and spread it across the universe. Visit here to learn about the people,
organizations, independent bands, venues, stores, representatives and
others all working together.
If you have a music collection, I suspect you have either
duplicated some of the songs thereupon to another medium, or have
considered doing so. Here is a W-WW site which is dedicated to notating
mixed tapes, CDs, DVD-Rs, iPod® playlists, et cetera. It is no
longer taking submissions or allowing edits of existing mixes.
If you are a fan of loony tunes and crazy comedy, you probably
already know about Dr. Demento. The core is a two-hour program |
podcast, now only posted on-line here (the broadcast was losing
money). The Dr. was profiled in issue #77 of "The Big
Takeover" [c.v.].
This is a non-commercial, free, public service channel available to
terrestrial, cable, and satellite services. On Dish Network® dbs, it
is channel 9406. It features performance, orchestral, and visual arts. It
is funded by The Lloyd E. Rigler - Lawrence E. Deutsch Foundation.
Link TV is an international and interactive channel that brings the
world's events, issues, and cultures to audiences in the U.S.A. It is under
this rubric because of its music programs. It is available on both
DirecTV® and Dish Network® dbs systems.
RFD - TV ["Rural America's most important network"] is a
satellite channel dedicated to serving the needs and interests of rural
America. It is under this rubric because of its diverse music
programming (It has the broadcast rights to videotapes of old
syndicated country music programs, which it obtained from Willie
Nelson's personal library.). It also has regular series about
railroads, both real and model. It is available on both Dish
Network® and DirecTV® dbs systems.
Here is the W-WW site of one company manufacturing mechanical
action pinball machines. If you have an older W-WW browser, click
on the 'site map' link in the lower right corner of this page.
This manufacturer eluded my attention until I glimpsed two of
its machines in the Logan Square Emporium Arcade one evening. It is
headquartered in Streamwood, IL., a northwest exurb of Chicago. Its
mission is to provide the highest quality pinball machines in the
world. Its team has been listening to the pinball community and is
driven to design pinball machines that appeal to the collector, the
pinball player, as well as the commercial operator.
This is a World-Wide Web site celebrating, showcasing, and
building for the pinball and arcade communities, one pixel and one
person at a time. Its links to other pinball-orbiting W-WW sites is
comprehensive. It also offers a free e-mail newsletter (Moving
Pinside is a vibrant and welcoming online community dedicated to
all things pinball. It brings together pinball enthusiasts from all
over the world, providing a wealth of resources, information, and
support for collectors and players of all levels.
This is a W-WW site featuring the latest news about pinball.
The rubric Pinball University is a solid resource for people
just beginning their exploration of machines.
This is a forum begun in January 2015 which talks about game
strategies, upcoming events, locations that we love, etc.
Registration is required to participate.
This is a W-WW site with multiple rubrics dealing with all
aspects of pinball. It was initially created in December 1999.
Its webmaster is Martin Ayub, but there are numerous writers
contributing to it. It considers its non-commercial status its
most important element.
This is a comprehensive, searchable encyclopedia of virtually
every pinball machine ever commercially made. The database
currently includes 80,174 images of 6,679 games, 5,872
other game related files, and links to other pinball websites,
grouped by machine. The database also includes pitch & bat
baseball games, cocktail table machines, bingos, and payout
machines (when they have a pinball theme).
The OPDB is a searchable archive of pinball machines with a
focus on providing a solid API for software developers who wish
to incorporate pinball machine data into their apps.